Well with Alice

New year, new name!

Wellbeing is not simply being happy or being in good physical or even mental health. Wellbeing is broader than that. It combines physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health factors. 


Every part of your life influences your state of wellbeing either positively or negatively. 

Things that improve wellbeing include: positive relationships with others, having a sense of purpose, having enough money to buy the things you need, having enough sleep, having enjoyable hobbies, feeling like you belong, eating a healthy diet, and employing a positive mindset and coping skills. 


Things that negatively impact wellbeing include: fights with friends or family members, witnessing negative situations (e.g. children witnessing a fight between parents but not the reconciliation), unhealthy habits, isolation and a lack of support.


I will expand on some of these positive and negative influences in later newsletters. However, in this newsletter I want to simply outline that wellbeing is a complex state of being that is influenced by many many factors. We can influence many, but not all of these factors. For example, we cannot prevent ourselves from losing our job. However, we can try all that we can to find a new job if this has happened to us.


We can also implement some specific practices to improve our wellbeing, like mindfulness, gratitude, sleeping, exercising and eating enough. 


Sometimes we need help from others to increase our wellbeing. This is where I play a role at school. I spend time with students destressing, working through issues, and encouraging them in specific situations. If you are a parents who believes their child needs this, please contact the school. If you are a student who believes you need this, please talk to your parents!

Improving/maintaining wellbeing can be a lot!
Improving/maintaining wellbeing can be a lot!



















PS. Breakfast club will start back up on Wednesday the first of March! Between 8:30 and 8:45am students are able to grab some toast before heading to class. 

If any parents would like to help out, please email me on alice.romijn@education.vic.gov.au. We start preparing at 8:15am and are finished by 9am.