Art Room News

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


What an amazing effort every student put into their Bunjil feather. From Prep-6, we all listened to Murrundindi's Dreamtime story of Bunjil the eagle and using watercolour paints, each created a colourful masterpiece. Which when all put together, made our beautiful 2023 whole school art piece for term 1. Great job everyone!

Our preps have been learning the importance of making mistakes and turning them into something ‘beautiful’. They are now creating self-portraits inspired by Todd Parr’s story, Be Who You Are. These will be on display at the front office shortly.

The Grade 1/2s have taken inspiration from Indigenous Artist Melanie Hava and created magnificent backgrounds using watercolours and paint pens. Their use of colour, line and shape is brilliant! The art room will be covered in feathers this week as we begin making our mini Bunjils.

The Grade 3/4s outdid themselves this week with their watercolour skills. Their Melanie Hava inspired backgrounds are AMAZING! We will add further details this week and select our Australian animal to add to our artwork.

Finally, our Grade 5/6s artists had a super fun session of using nature to create their own paintbrush and used Indian ink to paint their backgrounds. The markings were unique and look fantastic. This week we concentrated on drawing the Magpie, the levels of success of what an hour of practice can do is awesome. So many students surprised themselves and left feeling very successful. 

Have a wonderful fortnight and feel free to come and have a look at Bunjil on the art room window inside the corridor.

Keep Creating,

Mrs. Granger


(P.S- Please remember to send in a NAMED art smock. I still have some spares if you would like one to keep.)