Principal Report


I subscribe to a local educator called Adam Voigt. I enjoy his weekly thoughts, even if I do not always agree. Recently he talked about responsibility. This is what he had to share.


"People are always trying to bring things back. Mullets are a good example. Sort of.

I’d like to make 2023 the year that we bring personal responsibility back. Not as cool as a mullet, but more important. And I’ve missed it."


I totally agree with him on this one, well maybe not the mullets. Let’s start by knowing our role is to foster responsibility as adults, parents, carers and educators. 


The student role is to take responsibility and practice it. Our job is to help. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.


This Term we have been signposting responsibility whenever we have a chance. We have started by helping students understand what responsibility is and isn't through a weekly lesson called Flourish. 


But the only way for them to become responsible, is for adults to allow them to take personable responsibility for their actions. 


We want all of our students to feel like they are leaders in our school. We want them to grow. We want them to know their strengths and their challenges. We want them to lead with or without a badge.


Our school Captains this year who are leading from the front are:


School Captains

Amber Cherry and Lachlan Armstrong

Vice Captains:

Elinor Sinco and Chloe Hughes-Gage


And our school-wide captains are:

Library: James Miller

Design and Tech: Riley Williams

Visual Arts: Polly Blunt

Performing Arts: Grace Palmer


House Captains

Rafter: Luke Van Suylen

Thorpe: Leilah Donnelly

Freeman: Wyatt Peccenini

Bradman: Finn Johnson


They are being offered the chance to take on responsibilities across the school. The Captains and Vice-Captains have been asked to lead a new student leadership approach called SRC - Students Representative Council. Students from all classes have been elected to share their dreams with us through the SRC. They will meet regularly and share their thoughts with our leadership team. Mrs. Granger will oversee their meetings. 


The Captains will also be responsible for a 'friendship' stand at Eastlands this Thursday. They will be working the friendship carnival as friendship ninjas, helping visitors make badges.


If you would like to attend as a family please use the link below.

The house captains will take on the responsibility of overseeing sport equipment lending in the afternoons for children. 


The SRC students 

PAH- Harry Cutler

PAC- Bodhi Camp

PNM- Olivia Turpin

1LP- Cung Lian

1DH- Angus Reynolds

2EW- Tianah Rakotowye

2KH- Macy Layton

2BY- Eleanor O’Connor

34J- Alexis Rhodes

34P- Ruby Hall

34W- Tahli Kilner

34A- Hudson Mortimore

56V- Blake Marshall

56M- Hudson Hall

56S- Stevie Cairns

56P- John Latu

They have already held one meeting. The list of suggestions is impressive....we will need to up our fundraising efforts to meet some of the preps wish lists.



Thank you to all of our staff and parent volunteers for their efforts on camp last week. A big start to the year. On the plus side it is 17 months until the next camps!


School Council Nominations

It is that time of year when we ask for school council nominations. The details will be a separate Compass post. This is a great way to take on responsibility in a parent capacity sharing your time to help guide the work that underpins our great school. 

Council seats that are ending this cycle are Emily Murcott, Danni Bortignon, John Hays and Jacinta Parolo (Community). We also have shared an early farewell to Claire Cripps and Mandi Ashby. I would like to thank them all for their efforts over the last 12+ months. They are all welcome to renominate ; )

We will need 2 staff, 3 parents plus 1 community.


Traffic Management

Please continue to follow the traffic management plan across the school. Drive slowely, safely and wait for the car in front to elave before moving through the Kiss n Go. Need to park? Please park away from the Kiss n Go unless you have a special reason to park and it has been pre-discussed with us.


Help and support - 

Volunteer wanted - Sign extraordinaire

At the front of the school, we have a signboard that needs a volunteer to change the letters/sign. Last year we had a parent who done this for us for a number of years - superstar!

In the past we have had a group of parents who took a turn each term. Some parents chose to do the sign on weekends with their children helping, some chose to do the sign on assembly afternoon. You can change the sign when you like and you can have creative license over the messages. We just need someone to help us!



We are also deciding whether we purchase new staff chairs, or we reupholster the existing chairs. The frames are in great condition with the material needing some TLC. If anyone has a person they know and trust that can help we would be interested in hearing from them. 


Key dates for the calendar

These dates are firm and will not change this year. 


Term 1  

27th January – pupil-free day

6th March– Curriculum Day 1 - School PL - pupil-free day

13th March - Labour Day - public holiday

7th April - Good Friday - public holiday

Term 2 

24th April – Curriculum Day 2 - School PL - pupil-free day

25th April - ANZAC Day - public holiday

12th June - King's Birthday - public holiday 

19th June – Curriculum Day 3 - School PL - pupil-free day

Term 3 

7th November - Melbourne Cup - public holiday

Term 4 

11th Dec – Common PPD - pupil-free day


Best wishes,
