Library News

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you may know, the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge began on February 27th and runs until August 18th. Students from K-6 participate in this challenge, and it is a wonderful opportunity for the children of St Anthony’s to read widely, and to deepen their love of reading. Children who complete the challenge will receive a certificate from the NSW Premier.
Our students are already showing great enthusiasm, and many of them have begun adding books to their reading logs. Usernames and Passwords are being distributed, as well as printed reading logs to use at home - these can be useful for writing down the names of books so as not to forget them.
Your support in helping your children to access the PRC site, and with adding books to their accounts, would be greatly appreciated. Fortunately, the process is simple:
- Go to:
- Log In (on the left hand side of the page)
- Search for the book you’d like to add (top right)
- When the book is found, click on its title. This will take you to the book’s location in the list, and you can then click on ADD to add the title to your child’s account.
There is a simplified Student Site linked to the main account which you might like to bookmark: but I would encourage you to access the main site in the first instance so you can familiarise yourself with the rules of the challenge etc.
Please note that while many children will be able to add books to their accounts, I have told them that I am happy to help add their books if they have any trouble doing this at home. They will just need to write down the titles/authors of books they read.
I have gone through this process with the children, and talked about the rules regarding the number of books to read, and which lists to choose from. I will continue to monitor their progress, and we will have opportunities in our Library lessons to chat and discuss books the children have read and enjoyed.
Thank you for your support, and happy reading!
Yours in Love and Service,
Verity Temple
Teacher Librarian