REC News

Dear Parents / Carers
What are our students doing in Religious Education?
In Year 1, students have been learning about Baptism. Initially they looked at Mark's account of ‘Jesus and the Children’ (Mark 10:13-16). Through this story, the children experienced Jesus as one who welcomes, loves and includes them. The unit then introduced Baptism as a sacrament of initiation into the Church community. The emphasis here is on sharing in the new life of Christ. Through storytelling, wondering, prayer, exploring activities and a visit to the Church to see the Baptisimal Font, Year 1 students understood the key symbols and actions used in the Rite of Baptism.
Lenton Pennance notice
Please see attached the 2023 Lenten Penance notice from His Grace, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP.
Project Compassion - Caritas Australia
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. It is a time when we can come together as a school community in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Boxes were sent home to families, if you are able to put some spare change in that would be greatly appreciated.
Fundraising for Caritas
During Weeks 8 and 9 of this term we will be fundraising for Caritas - through a 'Lolly
Guessing Competion' - the winner will be announced on Friday 31st March and the school will also celebrate with a Mufti Day. All money raised will go to our major fundraising event - Caritas. A Compass reminder will be sent out closer to this event.
Happy Guessing!
Masses, Liturgies and Sacraments
Masses, Liturgies and Sacraments are still being finalised for 2023, our new Parish Priest - Father Laurie will confirm dates within the coming week.
Parent Information Evening for Reconciliation | TBC | |
Commitment Mass for Reconciliation | TBC | |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | TBC | |
Holy Week Liturgy | Week 10 | TBC |
Sacramental Dates for 2023
Sacrament | Date |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | TBC |
Sacrament of Confirmation | Proposed date: TBC |
Sacrament of First Holy Communion | Sunday 27th August - 10am |
Kind Regards
May God’s blessings be with you,
Mrs Leanna Langlands
Religious Education Coordinator