Assistant Principal's Message

Morning Supervision
The children's safety is paramount. Just a reminder that morning supervision starts at 8:30am. The slope gate will be opened at 8:25am for the children to drop their school bags outside their classroom and then walk to the Possum playground for teacher supervision.
GOSH is opened from 7:00am - 8:30am (Permanent Booking: $15/session*, Casual Attendance: $17/session*) if your child/ren needs earlier supervision (and breakfast!). If you need to drop your child/ren to GOSH in the mornings, please use the church carpark and the side gate. Thank you for your co-operation in working with the school for all students to stay safe.
New enrolments:
Galaxy Outside School Hours
0452 434 674
What is Harmony Day? A day to acknowledge people from diverse national, ethnic and religious backgrounds to help build an inclusive society, and to acknowledge and celebrate the enduring principles of fairness, harmony and respect.
2023 Theme: Living in Harmony
When: 21st March 2023
St Anthony's will acknowledge Harmony Day by the children wearing the colour orange or wearing an outfit from another country. Year 6 students will assist by painting children's nails orange before school at recess and lunch for a gold coin donation.
How to be positive about School @ Home
Be positive about your child’s school at home
A parent is a child’s first educator and as such, you can have an enormous impact on your child’s attitude to learning and to school. How you behave at home in your interactions with your child’s school can make a big difference to your child’s experience of their education.
Talk positively about school
Try and talk positively about your child’s school and schooling in general. While it’s natural that there may be some aspects of schooling that you don’t agree with, it’s important to promote the value of education and how going to school can put a person on the right track for succeeding in life.
Be supportive of your child’s teachers
Being supportive of your child’s teachers is one of the best things you can do to support your child’s experience at school. Think of your child’s teacher as your partner and work with them to support your child. Share insights about your child to help your teacher understand them better. Also talk to your child about what a great job their teacher is doing and the importance of teaching in helping to shape the lives of children.
Promote the value of learning
Children watch and copy what parents do and say. Be aware of how you talk about learning and school. Promote the many benefits of an education and the joy that can be gained from learning. Ask your child about what they are learning at school and help them explore what is interesting to them.
Share your own experiences
Talk to your child about how important learning has been in your life. Tell them about your successes and also your mistakes and how you have used difficult experiences to do better next time. Let them know how much you use learning in your daily life and how staying curious and continuing to learn makes life much more interesting.
Kind regards
Marie Iorfino
Assistant Principal