Principal's Message

School Annual Improvement Plan
St Anthony's leadership team and staff draw upon Sydney Catholic Schools Annual Plan for Improvement, combining strategic initiatives and a clear direction for the school. The school annual improvement plan sets goals that are designed to build excellent learning and teaching, strengthen the Catholic Identity of the school, build professional capacity within staff and embed sustainable practices.
Our 2023 Annual Improvement Plans main goals are:
Catholic Identity and Mission
By the end of 2023, the Year 5 teacher will implement the draft K-10 RE Curriculum, and Year 3 and Year 6 teachers will have participated in collaborative planning and be prepared for the implementation of the draft K-10 RE Curriculum in 2024.
By the end of 2023, all staff will have completed all professional development modules for the implementation of the draft K-10 RE Curriculum.
Learning and Teaching
To improve the teacher's data literacy to inform teaching & learning (differentiation) by using the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HIT Strategies).
By the end of 2023, staff will interpret data to explicitly teach and differentiate to improve student learning growth so that 80% of students are at or above expected benchmark.
Student and Staff Wellbeing
By Term 4 2023, 100% support educators’ professional learning and wellness within current resources, experience and expertise. School expectations and positive behaviours in non-classroom settings will be extended to the classroom, through ongoing implementation of the School-wide Positive Behaviours for Learning (SPBL) strategy.
Professional Learning
By September 2023, all staff will have completed the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competency Training course.
Thank you to all the families that attended our Parish Family Mass to welcome our Parish Priest Father Laurie Cauchi. A special thanks to Mr Langlands and Mr Lincoln for cooking and serving the BBQ.
2023 NAPLAN testing will be held from 15 March 2023. This year there will be changes to the way that NAPLAN results are reported. Parents and carers will get earlier and simpler information about their child’s NAPLAN achievement based on the following 4 levels of achievement:
- Exceeding
- Strong
- Developing
- Needs additional support.
The descriptors for each category will make it clear to parents what their child’s literacy and numeracy skills are at the time of NAPLAN testing, and we will continue to work with you to meet your child’s needs. NAPLAN will remain one of many useful ways that we assess your child’s learning and support needs.
In Weeks 7 and 8, Year 3 and Year 5 students will sit the NAPLAN tests. The NAPLAN Online assessment window starts on Wednesday 15th March and finishes on Monday 27th March 2023. Students who are absent when their class participates in the tests can sit catch-up tests later in the test window. If your child will be away during the NAPLAN testing time, please ensure you have notified your child’s teacher via the school office.
| |||
Date | Test Order | Duration of the Test | Description |
Wednesday 15th March
| Writing
| Year 3 - 40 mins
Year 5 - 42 mins | Students are provided with a ‘writing stimulus’ (sometimes called a ‘prompt’ – an idea or topic) and asked to write a response in a particular genre (narrative or persuasive writing) |
Thursday 16th March | Reading
Language Conventions | Year 3 - 45 mins Year 5 - 50 mins
Year 3 - 45 mins Year 5 - 45 mins | Students read a range of informative, imaginative and persuasive texts and then answer related questions
Assesses spelling, grammar and punctuation |
Monday 20th March | Numeracy | Year 3 - 45 mins Year 5 - 50 mins | Assesses number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability |
It has been great to see parents attending our assemblies each Friday afternoon. As you are aware we present one 'Student of the Week' and two Merit Awards for each class.
St Anthony's Welcome Night 2023
Thank you to everyone who attended our P & F Welcome Night on Friday 24 February.
Conference 1 Swimming Chamionship
Congratulations to our students who represented STA at the Swimming Chamionship. We are so proud of you all!
As you may know we are heading into the enrolment period for students starting kindergarten in 2024. This year St Anthony’s Clovelly will be holding two Open Days in March on this Friday 10th (9-10:30am) and Thursday 23rd (9-10:30am & 3:30-5pm).
You are warmly welcome to attend any of these dates as our classrooms will be open to showcase the wonderful teaching, learning and extra curricular activities we have to offer.
As a key strategy in our marketing campaign, I ask that you promote the school by leaving a favourable review on the school’s Facebook page and Google Reviews
(simply google St Anthony’s Clovelly and look for the page to the right).
You may like to comment on:
- Our caring teachers
- Strong sense of community were every child is known
- Opportunities for every student
- Well appointed classrooms with up to date technology and flexible furniture options to enhance the learning environment.
- Extra curricular activities in the arts dance, drama, music, guitar and keyboard lessons, chess, specialist art lessons.
- Extra curricular activities in sport - pathways in swimming, soccer, rugby league, netball
Recent data has also suggested that word of mouth has a powerful influence on prospective families choosing a school for their child. Your continued support when speaking about the school in the wider community is greatly valued.
We are please to advise that Open Days are being held on 10 March from 9-10:30am & 23 March 9.00-10.30am & 3.30-5:00pm. All parents are encourage to attend and see learning in action. Please also let your family and friends know and encourage them to attend and submit their applications.
We pray for Ms Meri Hardi's mother Rosa who is unwell at the moment. May she find God's strength during this time.
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak