Principal's Report
This will be our final newsletter for the year, however there is still plenty happening around the school.
Wednesday’s nights Secondary Awards Night were a great success. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the success of many of our students in the areas of academic achievement, citizenship, sport and leadership. I would like to thank Natasha Tzilantonis for the work she did in organising the night
The School Captains for 2020 were announced at Awards Night. Congratulations to these students who were selected from an outstanding field of candidates to take on this very important role in 2020. I have no doubt that they will be outstanding role models for other students.
The 2020 School Captains will be:
Hannah Whitaker
Angela Fiourie
Naduwa Baika
The Primary sector held their graduation ceremony for year six students on Tuesday Night and it was a wonderful occasion for families, friends and staff. Students spoke about their time in Primary school and about what they are looking forward to in the future.
During today's Primary assembly we celebrated the achievements of students; from attendance, to sport, literacy and numeracy growth and for excellence in Performing Arts. Declan Vishniakov had the enviable achievement of a perfect record of attendance- seven years of 100% attendance; a remarkable effort!
The Primary Captains for 2020 were also announced at the assembly. They are:
Angela Trajkoska
Alexander Prentice
TeAta Manga
Calvin Nguyen
VCE results were released last Wednesday. Congratulations to all the students who have worked hard and achieved outstanding results, the scores we have achieved this year are testament to the student’s hard work and to exceptional teaching. The College is proud to have improved its results for the third year in a row and outperformed many neighbouring schools.
Some of the highlights include:
- Our DUX Priyanka Savanur who achieved an ATAR of 99 and to Ben Bright who achieved and ATAR of 92.7. We congratulate them!
- 100% of our VCE and VCAL students successfully completed their certificates
- 18% of our students achieved an ATAR over 80
- 3.4% of all study scores were above 40 including scores of 48 for Chemistry, 48 and 46 for Further Mathematics.
We will be farewelling a number of staff at the end of this year. Bree Andrew, Margaret Caldwell, Carly Absalom, Danielle Warburton and Chris Surendra will be leaving us to take up positions in other schools or to pursue other options. I would like to thank them all sincerely for their contribution to Carwatha College P-12 and I wish them all the best for next year and the future.
Reports have been posted on COMPASS. I encourage all families to take the time to read them, if you are having a problem accessing them please contact the college.
Finally, I would like to wish all of our families a very happy Christmas and New Year and a relaxing and enjoyable break. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.
Pat Mulcahy - Principal