Student Awards

Friday 2nd August


Junior A     Allira

Allira, you are a fantastic role model for our school values. You use Excellent, Resilience and Respect constantly and consistently. You have been demonstrating you are a 5 STAR learner lately. Keep up the hard work!



Junior B     Oskar

Oskar, you are making such good progress with your reading. You read accurately and can retell the important events in the story. Keep up the hard work!



Junior B   Billie

Billie, what a superstar learner you have been lately! You have been working hard on all learning tasks, including the ones you found a challenge! Keep working hard and strive to be the best you can be!



Middle  A     Zoe

Your first 2 weeks at KPS have been very positive. You have not stopped smiling the entire time! You have shown great enthusiasm to all tasks, contributed to class discussions and made new friends. Well done Zoe!


Middle A     Abby

It has been fantastic to see your enjoyment for Maths growing! You have been showing resilience everyday and should be proud of the improvement you have made in our multiplication topic. Keep it up!!


Middle B  Dylan

Dylan, you have begun your learning at Kilsyth Primary School well. Your have already shown an understanding of our school values and your results demonstrate the effort you are putting in to your work!



Middle C     Luke

Luke you should be proud of the resilience you have been showing lately! It is great to see your enjoyment of PE coming back and that you are willing to take risks. You are a fantastic role for your peers.



Senior A     Talia

Talia, your writing piece this week was fantastic! You have really taken the time to think about what we have been learning about sentence structure, and have successfully applied it to your own writing.



Senior B     Tierone

Tierone, it's great to see your positive attitude with your learning this term, and your enthusiasm with our learning topics! What a great display of excellence and resilience, you should be very proud. Keep it up!