Careers News
Career News
Year 10 Work Experience
During this week and next our Year 10 students are out on work experience. We have had lots of positive feedback on the program to date. We have had many students out this week at various locations including schools, kindergartens, retails businesses, Architects, telecommunications companies and Pharmaceutical providers.
Students gain a great insight into the world of work. They are able to observe, in others, a variety of employable skills including communication styles, time management processes & organisation around office management and logistics as well as observing people management. For many it will be a chance to see if the workplace they have chosen is something they wish to pursue in the future.
A huge thank you to our employers who have agreed to take on our work experience students. As a college community we are very grateful for the time and support they show our students. Also thank you to the Year 10 teachers who check in on the students & employers to ensure they are having a worthwhile experience and that all parties are happy.
VET (Vocational Education & Training) 2018
The VET program for 2018 is looking really busy with many students taking up the opportunity for some hands on vocational learning as part of their V3 program! Thanks to the families that have completed their payments for the VET programs their student is doing. A reminder this should be finalised by end of the year.
Last Friday all students undertaking a first year VET program with Chisholm attended an orientation morning at Chisholm.
Students were taken through the Trade Training Centre which Carwatha part owns (along with 4 other consortium schools). Students also had a wider tour of the campus. We covered the importance of attendance and needing to complete all Units of Competency (UOC’s) in order to pass a VET certificate. I also informed students of the need to ring both Chisholm and the school if for any reason they are not able to attend on their VET day. Students are reminded to check their emails, that they provided on the application form, for any updates. This will be Chisholm’s main way of corresponding with students and it is really important that it is regularly checked.
Year 12 Change of preference
Year 12 students are reminded that that I am available, all day, on Friday 15th December (ATAR day) and Monday 18th December to meet with students regarding change of preferences. Students should consider making an appointment time now, with me, for one of those days if they predict they will need assistance.
Remember - VTAC Change of preference will close at 12 noon on Wednesday 20th December.
A word from VTAC …..
The Post Results and ATAR Service (PRAS) is a joint enquiry service operated by VTAC and VCAA. It provides a single phone number and email address that can be used for questions about both the ATAR and VCE Results in the five days immediately following the release of results.
Part of the PRAS is a joint blog which operates until January, with content from VCAA and VTAC about VCE Results and the ATAR. The 2017 PRAS blog is now available at:
Both VCAA and VTAC will post to the blog from now through the results release period, covering topics such as how to understand statements of results, scaling, statistical moderation, change of preference, etc. Students can enter an email address to subscribe for notifications of new posts.
Please contact me with any questions you may have.
Jodie McCarthy