Primary News

Prep/1M Experiment - Measuring Mass
The Prep/1M students have enjoyed measuring mass. They have weighed toys, blocks, pencils, books and sharpeners to see what is the heaviest item. Then they have compared items to see which ones weigh the same and used different types of scales to measure. They cannot wait to measure capacity! There is a lot of mathematical excitement in the room.
Sonia McPhie
Prep/1M Pe - Balloon Tennis
Prep/1M participated in Balloon Tennis in Pe this week. Gaining some great skills whilst having fun, students had to try and keep their balloons off the ground using only their bats.
Well done to all, everyone did a great job keeping their balloons off the ground.
Grade 5 Science Enrichment Program
The grade 5 students had the opportunity to have a science lesson in the secondary labs on Monday 28th November. The students were amateur scientists, making some amazing observations and coming up with hypotheses. The grade 5 students also had the opportunity to participate in some hands on experiments, making bath salts and bath bombs. A big thank you to the Year 7 mentors, who helped to guide the students through their practical activities.
Year 7 mentors – Hena Kuljluh, Bhaskar Vidya Shankar, Bella Eghanian, Joseph Tanga, Kevin Lomuro, MacKenzie Ho, Sarah Dib, Uma Basic, Ramona Ghandour, Shay De La Haye, Aleysha Koutsoupias
Georgia Rentzis
Grades 4- 6 Excursion - CERES
On Tuesday the 14th of November the grade 4 to 6 students visited CERES (Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies). We participated in activities in which we learned about sustainability, food packaging and the environment, gardening, and different types of soils. Some of our favourite parts were going for walks around the reserve, learning about where different foods and packaging come from, and getting to eat mulberries straight off the tree! It was a very hot day but we had a great time!
Ivana Novakovic
Football Technique Australia Skills Clinic Grade 4-6’s.
Last Friday the 24th of November Football Technique Australia ran a skills clinic for the grade 4-6’s.
Some of the activities the students participated in included:
Noughts and crosses soccer, number soccer, king of the ring and tag team soccer.
Student were also involved in learning drills and skills to improve their soccer abilities some of these were inside and outside foot passes, dribbling, trapping the ball and toe tapping.
The students had a fantastic time refining or learning the skills.