Principal's Report

From The Principal
I was extremely fortunate on the November 30th to accompany one of our students and 2 staff members to the ABCN presentation night at the Rialto Towers in the city. ABCN works in partnership with our College supporting our students' learning. The ABCN Foundation provides intensive mentoring scholarships through the Accelerate program. The 3 year program targets exceptional students who face economic, family or social challenges. A scholarship from them entitles a student to:
- Financial support over years 11, 12 and the first year of further education
- A senior business mentor selected by ABCN from their network of member companies
- Participation in the ABCN Accelerate program for scholarship recipients
This year ABCN received over 300 applications from around Australia of which only 24 scholars were selected by the Scholarship Selection Committee - made up of the ABCN Foundation Board, senior educators and our member company stakeholders. Every single one of the applications they received was carefully considered.
The committee stated selecting scholarship recipients has been an extremely difficult process - there was often less than 0.5% difference between a successful and an unsuccessful application. Every applicant was deserving of a scholarship and although it is the committee's aim to award an increasing number of scholarships each year, this year they were limited to offering 24.
As Principal of Carwatha College P 12 I am proud to announce that one of our students, Caitlin Mann, is one of those worthy winners. We are very all extremely proud of Caitlin and congratulate her on the award!
Year 10 & 11 students have completed the Year 11 & 12 V3 Orientation program, giving them a head start for 2018. Students have been provided with homework to complete before they return to school next year. It is an expectation that students complete this work. I encourage them not to leave it to the last moment and ask parents to support us in having this work completed so that students have a positive start to the new school year.
This week, year 10 students commenced work experience. I hope they are learning much from their experiences and are having a great time. All students will be visited by a staff member from Carwatha during their placement.
The Secondary awards night will be held on Wednesday the 13th of December at the Drum Theatre. Letters have been sent home to parents of students who will be receiving awards or performing. However all families and students are welcome to attend. Tickets can be purchased from the College office.
Tickets are also available from the office for our Primary concerts to be held on the 7th of December. The students have been working very hard rehearsing for their performances. I think we will be well entertained on these evenings and I encourage all families to attend.
Orientation day for all our new Year 7 students will be on December 12th. I am looking forward to meeting the new parents and students for the first time and to welcoming our grade 6 families to the secondary college.
Our 2018 preps have been attending kinder club sessions on Thursdays where they have been doing lots of fun and interesting activities. On December 14th new prep parents are invited to an information session where I look forward to meeting them.
Pat Mulcahy