Senior School


Deputy Principal - Operations & Acting Head of Senior School


Farwell to the Class of 2018

There are no doubt that there are many mixed emotions for the Year 12 students.  Both excitement and nerves when thinking about what may lie ahead; sadness about leaving something that has been such an important part of their lives; apprehension for those that have helped them along the way, and perhaps relief that there are only a few weeks before they finish their final school exams.


Over the past week, our Year 12s have been involved in a number of important ‘rites of passage’.  These began with the fun and frivolity of ‘Celebration Day’ last Friday where most dressed up as different characters, decorated their common room and surrounds with comical memes of teachers, and enjoyed good old water fights. However, I do feel the Junior School enjoyed the jumping castle a great deal more!


On Monday morning, the students were presented with an icon from His Grace Bishop Ezekial of Dervis and Father George Adamakis during their final church service.  His Grace shared reflective and personal words to farewell the students on their journey. The whole school then gathered for a final tribute assembly to the Class of 2018.  It is a tradition that our youngest school students, the Preps (Class of 2030), present a single flower to each Year 12 student. It is a simple yet poignant acknowledgement.  It is the School they are handing on. To the sounds of Auld Lang Sang, the students bid adieu.


On Monday evening, parents, friends and staff joined the Year 12s at Merrimu for their Graduation Dinner. As a roll call of honour was read out, each student entered to a select choice of music, before shaking the hands of Mr Chris Damatopoulos (Chair of the School Board) and Mr Mark Robertson (Principal).  For the first time, an Oakleigh Grammar key ring with ‘Class of 2018’ was provided by the Parents’ Association.  It was a lovely evening of good fellowship and dancing, and a fabulous ‘roast’ on each student presented by Jenny Bean and Steve Zafiropoulos.  Now the attention turns to their final study as the lead up to the VCE examinations beginning next week.


Whilst all teachers and staff have contributed to the development of our students, at this point in time, we acknowledge the Year 12 teachers who have worked closely with them during 2018.  I was would also wish to particularly acknowledge the significant work of Sharron Frame (Head of Senior School), her PA Soula Mitsopoulos, and the pastoral team Steve Zafiropoulos, Jenny Bean and Mary Harbis


Finally, as our Year 12 students conclude, we wish them every success and happiness in the future.

“Never stop dreaming, and never stop working hard for your dreams.  Imagine no limitations on what you can do and be.”