News From the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome to our final newsletter for the term.
Once again, the last 10 weeks have been crammed full of learning, a few dramas and fun.
Some of our highlights have included:
- Kindy Visits
- SAPSASA Hockey, Football, Soccer , Netball, Cross Country and Rugby.
- Reconciliation Week
- NAPLAN Testing
- Swimming R,1,2,3’s
- Carly Ryan Presentation
- African Drumming
- Interviews & Reports
On behalf of the school community, I would like to congratulate Holly T & Charli N on successfully being selected to represent our State in the upcoming National School Softball Championships in November. This is a great achievement and we wish them every success.
Over the past 2 weeks, there have been over 500 interviews take place across the school!! This is an excellent result and an indication of the importance you place on your child’s/ren’s education. I would like to thank each and every one of you and trust that it has been a beneficial and worthwhile exercise.
A special thank you to all the staff who have worked hard and long to ensure that reports were completed on time and interviews were well organised.
Looking for Branches / Twigs
A group of students at our school are looking to set up an area in the school where we can provide sticks, string, drop sheets etc so that they and other children can construct cubbies.
We think that this is a great idea. As such, we are looking for any families that could provide sticks/twigs, no longer than approximately 1500mm as well as any strings and old tarpaulins etc.
If you can help out, could you please email me directly with a list of any items you can supply.
My email is
Frog Pond Help
Next term, a group of Year 6/7’s will be constructing a frog pond/bog next to the garden area outside Rooms 5 & 5a.
In order to do this, we need a large bath, an old but strong security mesh door and a small fibreglass pond.
If you can help out with any of these, could you please contact me directly either by school phone or via email
Thank You
Outstanding Achievement Awards – Term 2
At the end of each term, two students from each class are nominated by their teacher to receive the Principal’s Outstanding Achievement Award.
Congratulations to our Term 2 winners on such a successful term.
Room Name For excellence in
Room 3 Hamish All areas of the curriculum
Room 3 Abbie All areas of the curriculum
Room 4 Imogen All areas of the curriculum
Room 4 Dayne All areas of the curriculum
Room 5 Koby All areas of the curriculum
Room 5 Alyssa All areas of the curriculum
Room 5a Lily All areas of the curriculum
Room 5a Louis All areas of the curriculum
Room 10 Evelyn All areas of the curriculum
Room 10 Lachie All areas of the curriculum
Room 11 Jackson Demonstrating the school values in his learning.
Room 11 Viya All areas of the curriculum
Room 12 Jack C All areas of the curriculum
Room 12 Amelia All areas of the curriculum
Room 13 Iris All areas of the curriculum
Room 13 Sam All areas of the curriculum
Room 14 Jaiya All areas of the curriculum
Room 14 Kaleb Demonstrating the school values in his learning
Room 16 Scarlett All areas of learning.
Room 16 William Maths.
Room 17 Bethany C All areas of the curriculum
Room 17 Sam Maths.
Room 19 Jordan Excellence in reading
Room 19 Becca Excellence in all areas of the curriculum
Room 20 Milla Excellence in literacy and demonstrating the school values
Room 20 Hardy Excellence in all areas of the curriculum
Room 22 Will Excellence in all areas of the curriculum
Room 22 Ava Excellence in always displaying the school values
Room 23 Ella All areas of the curriculum
Room 23 Jet Demonstrating the school values in his learning
Room 26 Liam Maths.
Room 26 Lucy All areas of the curriculum.
Room 27 Finnian All learning areas
Room 27 Leila All areas of learning.
Room 29 Olivia All areas of learning.
Room 29 Annie All areas of learning.
Room 30 Isabelle Excellence in literacy and consistent demonstration of school values
Room 30 Seth Excellence in effort applied to all areas of the curriculum
Room 31 Max Mathematics
Room 31 Amelia All areas of the curriculum
Room 32 Isabelle Literacy and school values
Room 32 Seth All areas of learning.
Room 33 Isabella All areas of the curriculum
Room 33 Nicholas All areas of the curriculum
Excellence in Sport- Holly Schools SA State U/12 Softball Team
Excellence in Sport- Charli Schools SA State U/12 Softball Team
Term 2 Outstanding Attendance Award
I am very pleased to announce that we had 56 perfect attenders for Term 2!!! Congratulations to all of them. Following the draw, I would like to congratulate Maddie Y from Room 10. As the winner, Maddie takes home a $20 Westfield voucher as well as the Outstanding Attendance Certificate for the term.
OHSC Outstanding Achievement Award
Ava G Rm 17
William W-M Rm 5
Staff News
Ivana Coro will be working an extra day each week from next term, supporting our Special Education team.
A few of our staff will be taking leave over the coming term, including:
Carmel Watson – Week 2 - 4
Olivia Sawley – Week 6 - 8
Kelela Romeo – Week 1
Ellen Wiens – Week 7 – Week 3 (Term 4)
Enjoy the Break
On behalf of the staff, I would like to wish you all a happy & safe break and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday 23rd July.
Regards Mike