Notes from the Numeracy Specialist…
Below are two strategies to help with multiplying by 6. Both rely upon solid knowledge of other tables facts – in particular 5s and 3s. Students should experience both strategies before deciding which strategy works best for them. (This is usually determined by their level of confidence with the 5s or 3s tables)
Strategy 1 – Multiplying by 5 then add one more group
Multiplying by 6 relies on thinking of x6 as x5 and one more group. Eg. 6 x 7 = 5 sevens and one more seven. Saying it in this way minimises confusion about what the extra group is.
Eg. 6 x 3 = 6 threes, 5 threes are 15, add one more three makes 18.
6 x 12 = 6 twelves, 5 twelves are 60 add one more twelve makes 72.
Calculate x5 FIRST, then add one more group, with the final answer (x6) in the last column.
Does this strategy help you to multiply by 6?
Strategy 2 – Double and Multiply by 3 (or Multiply by 3 and Double)
Calculate x3, then double, with the final answer (x6) in the last column. (NB. X3 and double can be performed in either order)
Which strategy do you find easier and why?
Developing Fact Fluency
In order to develop fact fluency use a 500s pack of playing cards. Remove the face cards. Flip over one card at a time and multiply each number by 6 using your preferred strategy. Aim to complete the pack in less than I minute.
More times tables tips in the next newsletter.
Penelope Dyson
Numeracy Specialist