Student Leadership News

'Day of the Girl' and 'New Student Leaders for 2020'
As the school year draws to a close for the year 12 students, the 2019 senior leadership team prepares to hand over to our new leaders.
Our final event of the year was for International Day of the Girl on Friday the 11th of October. We held an assembly in homegroup on Friday morning, and listened to Mrs Warren speak about her work with the Dignity Freedom Network in India. It was very moving to hear the story of young Apoorva in India, who does not have access to education. It encouraged us as Australians to reflect on the privilege that we are born with here, which grant us the right to an education.
So, to support International Day of the Girl, and the fantastic work of the Dignity Freedom Network, we held a casual dress day for students on Tuesday the 15th of October. Students brought a gold coin donation for casual dress, and the funds raised will go towards putting as many disadvantaged young girls across the world into school. As it takes $33 to send a girl to school, we attempted to raise as many multiples of $33 as possible. Thank you to all of the students who came to school in casual dress and brought the appropriate donation.
Finally, I would like to thank a few people for all of their hard work this year.
Thank you to all of our dedicated student leaders who worked diligently to create some fabulous events this year. And, a very big thank you to Mrs Tolley, who inspired our great ideas, and supported us to make those ideas a reality!
I would like to wish the best of luck to all of the new student leaders for 2020, I know you have the potential to do great things.
Harper Dawson
2019 College Captain