Library News

2019 MFG Library Annual Stocktake
To enable our annual MFG Library stocktake, final borrowing will take place on Friday November 15th. All books will be due back before Friday 29th November please. All overdue books are put on Compass weekly for each year level, after a month overdue students are visited in class to remind them about overdues, books that are then 90 days overdue are assumed lost and students are billed via MFG Administration. Parents / guardians are notified 2 weeks prior to the bills being issued. We encourage all students to take responsibility for their own library books.
Message for all MFG students: Year 12 SWOTVAC (Studying for exams)
During the period that Year 12 students are studying intensively they need a quiet place to study. From Monday 21st October the library will be for quiet private study - during class time, recess, lunch and after please be cooperative and keep noise levels to a minimum.
Wednesday lunchtime is clubs day in the library - EAL Homework Club, Yoga and the Circle of Friends Reading Club - if you are aren't attending clubs on Wednesdays we need the space available for quiet private study please.
Remember that one day it will be you studying for your final exams at school and we will give you a quiet peaceful place to study then too! Thank you very much from the MFG Library Team and Year 12 students.
Wednesday Circle of Friends Book Group
Meeting every Wednesday at 1pm, we discuss our latest finds, favourite authors and series and regularly select books from bookstore and publishers' tubs sent to us. Many members are keen Geelong Library members and make great recommendations for new additions to the student library collections. We are always keen for new members and there is a once a term competition for a $25 Dymocks Bookstore voucher. Our term 3 winner was Matilda Messer - 7L - well done!
Tuesday Craft Group
This term the focus is on jewellery-making!!! Air dry bead kits and polymer clay bead making will be available. A fascinating way to end the year in craft club !!!! Make yourself or a loved one some jewellery.
Come along and join in our free weekly sessions. Commencing Tuesday 22nd October with air dry beadmaking.