Alumni Program News

Ourschool & Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Information Session
A recent collaboration between Ourschool & the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre provided a unique opportunity for over 100 Year 10 students across Victoria, eight of which, were from MFG.
On Friday 6 September Maisy Saunders, Hannah Watson, Grace Weber, Ashlyn Reid, Hayley Steed, Sienna Dridan and Lucy Bethune travelled to the state-of-the-art Cancer Centre, Peter MacCallum to learn about different pathways, jobs and opportunities. The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre has a variety of career opportunities including: Radiation Therapy, Clinical Education, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Radiation Oncology, and ICT Program Management. The session was intended for industry professionals (most alumni from public high schools/Ourschool schools) to inform, inspire and encourage the students as they continue to consider their VCE subjects and future pathways.
Here’s what Year 10 student, Maisy Saunders had to say about the information session:
"It really opened up my eyes to all the career options available and what a wide range of jobs that university courses can lead into. Many of these jobs I hadn’t heard of before and it was so interesting hearing about what the professionals in these jobs do, and how they can help. It’s definitely got me thinking about what kind of job I would like in the future and has helped me gather an idea on what I possibly might want/not want to pursue.
The speakers were so interesting and I loved hearing about their high school experiences and their lives up until now including the little curveballs in between. It was interesting how it took most of them many years to find the right/perfect job for them and the journey they went on to end up where they are today.
It was also great travelling up to Melbourne with the students from Geelong High School, collectively representing our city, Geelong.
I loved this Ourschool organised event and think it was a great opportunity for students from State Schools. I would love to be involved in an event like this again as I learnt so, so much and had a great day out. I wouldn’t change or improve this experience in any way!"
With approximately 115 Ourschool students in attendance, this was the biggest high school information session the Radiation Therapy Education team has ever hosted! And because of the appetite and its success, together we will run future sessions to inform and inspire, broaden thinking, lift aspirations and aid students’ decision making.
*Ourschool is the not-for-profit organisation helping MFG build our alumni community. To learn more visit:
Tanja Dunat Timms
(Ourschool Alumni Program Manager)