Sports Report
By Sports Coordinator - Mrs Currey
On Friday 18th June Wee Waa High School held its annual sports carnival at Cook Oval. Staff and students’ spirits were high, and the cold breeze could not put a dampener on the day. Students in attendance gave every event their all with team spirit and enjoyment coming out as the winner on the day.
Age Champions:
Girls Boys
12 years Makayla Copelin NA
13 years Georgia Horne Mekhi Ross
14 years Matilda Currey Toby Galagher & James Williams
15 years Emily Hartnett NA
16 years Paige Morrison Thomas Eldridge
17+ years Jordan Lonnen Bella Cruickshank
The winning house was… Merah!
Welcome to Mr Kiely who has taken over the sports coordinator’s role for the remainder of 2021. If you have any questions regarding weekly school sport or representative sport please contact Mr Kiely via the school front office on 02 67954477, however during lockdown, please call 0476297809 or 0476297219