News From Around The School

Youth Council Elects WWHS Reps 

Our school was delighted to recently learn that two of our Year 10 students, Caitlyn Coutts Smith and Mackenzie Jones had been selected to represent WWHS as part of the Narrabri Shire's Youth Council. Ms Doust said 'We're really proud that both Caitlyn and Mackenzie put themselves forward for selection and I know they will make a valuable contribution'.


We asked Caitlyn and Mackenzie their thoughts on the importance of representing their school and the youth of Wee Waa through their role on the Youth Council.


Mackenzie Jones

'I felt it was important that young people's voices from across the Shire were heard and for their ideas to be able to be shared. I have ideas about opportunities I see for young people as well as some of the challenges and areas for improvement. I wanted to make sure that young people from Wee Waa had someone who could share their thoughts and perspectives'.


'When I learnt that I have been selected, I was really pleased. This is my first leadership opportunity and appreciate that the people selecting the Youth Council members saw value in what I could bring to the group'.


Caitlyn Coutts Smith

'I thought that nominating for the Youth Council was the best way to share the thoughts of young people in my community and what they see as important and a priority. I also thought it would be great to meet and hear from other young people from right across the Narrabri Shire and understand what they see as important and how they see the future'.


'I feel really proud that I have been given this opportunity. I think that it will be a good personal development opportunity for all of the members of the Youth Council, myself included. I hope we inspire and learn from each other. I am looking forward to getting to know the other members and to hearing their perspectives'. 

HSC Trials Update 

HSC Trial - Year 12 students  were informed this week that the HSC Trials will not be taking place as planned in weeks 6 and 7. Each Head Teacher has worked with staff to determine how each subject will determine grades. Year 12 students have received a copy of the revised assessment process.

Year 7 to 10 Assessment Update 

Faculties are meeting this week to discuss assessments for Years 7 to 10 and all students will be informed of changes early in Week 7.

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

‘Heal Country, Heal Our Nation’

Our NAIDOC Week celebrations earlier this term commenced with students and staff coming together at the beginning of the week for an opening addresses by School Captain, Jason Lee Trindall, Lataya Gordon and our Aboriginal Education Officer, Mrs Helen Wenner. 


The NAIDOC theme for 2021, ‘Heal Country, Heal Our Nation’ along with local Aboriginal culture and history perspectives were incorporated into classroom activities throughout the week. 


Sports day for that week saw students take part in a fun array of Aboriginal sports and games that proved popular with everyone. 


Our tradition of an all-of-school BBQ and NAIDOC cake were enjoyed by everyone to close out the week-long celebrations.

Jeans For Jean's Day 

Earlier this term our School Representative Council (SRC) staged a fundraiser for Jeans for Gene’s Day. SRC Members, Thomas Eldridge, Billy Shearin and Caitlyn Coutts-Smith delivered a presentation about genetic disorders, the incredible research work of the Children’s Medical Research Institute and how much has been raised by this Foundation to support vital research. 


Students also watched an emotional video presentation by a mother who was diagnosed with a Yolk Sac Tumour as a newborn and how their family coped, and the support they received from the Foundation.


The SRC had discussed and determined the best way for Wee Waa High School to contribute and raise awareness for the Foundation was to hold our own BBQ fund raiser and wear blue jeans.