College Chaplain 



Welcome back to the 3rd term. Hopefully this newsletter finds you all well during the pandemic outbreak in NSW and our country. We are indeed blessed here in the regional area. As we know so far, many students in our state cannot return to their school and college during this time. Let us keep praying for our friends and families that they will be safe and receive the help they need.


This pandemic has caused many difficulties not only to the Greater Sydney but even our regional area. We all have to wear mask wherever we go, even at the church, all the faithful must wear masks while attending the Holy Mass. Our Sacred Heart Parish was supposed to celebrate the Parish Centenary on July 11th but we had to postponed this remarkable day until Sunday September 19th. We pray that this joyful celebration will happen this year.



with Bishop Mark Edwards  now September 19th.   

Given the postponement, 

all money will be retained for the rescheduled date, 

please hold onto your tickets.

The Centenary Book (The Sacred Heart of Griffith)

and other Centenary Memorabilia and tickets in the 100 Club,

are all available for purchase  or pickup

in anticipation of the event from the Parish Office,

during Office Hours (Tues-Fri 9am to 2pm).

Please continue to pray for an end to the pandemic.


The pandemic is present in our country and over all the world. Though we try to follow the guidance of the government to keep social distancing for the sake of our own safety and others’, we will not become social distancing with God and one another in our friendship. We still need the help of each other to make our life better and our faith stronger. 


At the moment our Sacred Heart Parish tries to invite all the faithful, Catholic or non-Catholic, to help the Church to serve our brothers and sisters in different ministries at the local parish. Without your help and service our parish cannot carry out the mission of the Lord to bring the Good News to others. Therefore, we invite you all to join the life of our parish through different ministries, such as Music Ministry, Readers, Money Counters, Cleaners for the Church and Chapels. Please contact the parish office on 6962 1533. 


We desperately need your help

to serve your families and community better.


Let us also remember to pray for our friends who are taking the HSC Trial. May the Holy Spirit guide them and help them to complete this trial with the best result. 


Fr Paul Lu

Marian College Chaplain.