Principal News

Academic Award ceremonies for Years Seven through to Ten took place on Friday 23 July under Covid19 restrictions. Unfortunately, parents were not allowed to attend, however the events were live-streamed on the College Facebook site for everyone to watch.


 Congratulations to the significant numbers of students receiving awards. In summary, twenty-eight percent of students in junior secondary (Yrs 7-10) received a Principal’s Award. This award is given for a report being in the top A and B grades across all subjects plus a maximum of one ‘C” grade. More than one quarter of our students reach this category, which is a commendable achievement. 


One concern is the obvious higher level of female students in this category. Girls are outperforming the boys across all subjects. I applaud the girls for their efforts and achievements, however I challenge the boys to not accept “second best” from themselves in terms of their effort. Only twenty percent of Principal Awards were given to boys. I will be discussing this further with staff to undertake what needs to be done to address this imbalance. 


The College building program is moving ahead at an impressive pace. The Administration and Staff Centre will be completed by the end of this term with the anticipated occupation taking place at the start of next term. Work with then commence on refitting the old staff areas into five new classrooms, including more girl’s toilets and a new entrance way into the school off Wakaden St. In addition to this, the TAS Block frame has gone up with the roof following next, then the fit out. The expected completion is for the start of next year. 


As a consequence of the building program, the HSC Trials, the HSC and Year 11 Preliminary exams will be off site at the Bagtown Function Room. The Trials commence on Monday 26 July and the room has been set up and students have been informed.


The Sacred Heart of Griffith Celebrating our Centenary books are available to purchase at the College Office for $30.00. 


Lastly, I thank everyone for their cooperation during this current outbreak of Covid19. Please keep visits to the College to emergencies only and if possible call the office before arriving. Masks are to be worn when entering and QR Codes are to be used at sign in. Please be aware of the changing situation as published by the NSW Government announcements and follow all instructions. This will keep our community as safe as possible.


Peace and Best Wishes

Alan le Brocque