Parent Support

Toys from Home

This term, we have noticed an increase of special things from home making a trip to Curiosity.  Whilst we appreciate that having a special toy come to Curiosity can support the emotional regulation of children, it can create a barrier for the child throughout their day.


We ask that you have a chat with your child about how special things from home are for home.  Our days at Curiosity are full of exploration and play which is hindered when toys are being carried around.  It also then requires the staff to have to track where toys are left so that they are not lost or damaged.  If your child is finding that they need a toy to navigate a successful transition into the Centre, please email your child's Lead Teacher to talk through a strategy that can support with this.  


As the staff welcome you at the door, we will be encouraging that toys be taken home or left in the car for pick up time unless a pre-arranged strategy has been arranged with your child's Lead Educator.

Labelling Items

It is extremely important and helpful for your child's belongings to have their name clearly written on them.  Clearly written names, allows your child to identify what belongs to them and for the staff to be able to relocate items that have been misplaced or lost.  If you could check each of your child's items to ensure that they are clearly labelled that would be a great help.  Thanks


Communicating to Lead Teacher

We absolutely appreciate that being unable to access Curiosity at drop off and pick up can limit the ability to communicate with your child's Lead Educator.  With current door procedures, we do ask that any important information or concern is shared via an email, Storypark note or phone call at a time that allows for our team to respond in a timely manner.


A message from our Acting Principal - Mrs Karen Schoff.

"Wellbeing is understood as an essential pre-condition for quality teaching and learning." We often share resources, strategies, tools and ideas for wellbeing for families and students. Today I'd like to focus on teachers. Our teachers make themselves available to families in many ways and at many times, and for that I am grateful. Our partnership with families is highly valued. Sometimes the ease of Seesaw messaging and email sees teachers receiving communication late at night and over weekends.

A reminder that our teachers will respond to communication in a timely manner (within 24-48 hours). There is no expectation that teachers will read/respond to email over a weekend and after 6pm. Opportunity to give priority to their families and to unwind assist in their wellbeing and quality teaching and learning for all."


As we use Storypark as our main platform for communication, please feel free to contact your Lead Educators via this means or email to make a time for them to call you.  Email addresses can be found on the 'Staying in Touch' page of this edition. 


We thank you for your patience and mask wearing as we apply current restrictions to our Service.