Work Experience
Monday 6 September - Friday 10 September
Work Experience
Monday 6 September - Friday 10 September
The Work Experience program is an important and compulsory part of the learning framework for Year 10 students at Cranbourne Secondary College. It is designed to enhance your social and work readiness skills to allow career exploration and to generally help prepare you for learning and life after you leave the College.
The program requires students to work for a chosen employer (not parents) for five working days in the second last week of term 3.
A very successful Work Experience program sees many students go voluntarily into workplaces to observe and learn some job skills in a field of interest. Work Experience is also valuable in raising students’ awareness of how the workforce operates and the training and personal qualities required for particular jobs.
Why do Work Experience?
Remember the golden rule is: “The harder you try, the harder we try”.
It is important the STUDENT rather than the parent does this ground work and job searching. This is part of the experience (as is rejections!)