Student Well-being
Community Spotlight: Year 5/6 Community
Year Level: 5/6 Community
Focus: Remote Learning and 2pm Check- ins
With the focus being on resilience this term, students showed this in spades by adapting to the sudden advance to remote learning. Students in the Year 5/6 Community adapted to our online learning program seamlessly. It was impressive to see students logging on each morning, turning in set work and attending our 2:00 pm Check ins with great enthusiasm.
More so than ever, it has been so important to be checking in with our students. By increasing the number of class 'check-ins’ across the week we have seen students using this time to engage with their peers and share common questions and concerns that surround their online learning program. It has also been an opportunity to have all sorts of fun!
For our 2:00 pm check-ins some of the activities have included:
- Class Joke Off
- Would you rather
- Online Bingo
- Riddle Me This
- Pictionary
- Scavenger Hunt
Gabriel - I liked how we could catch up with friends and have a break from working online. I liked the “Would you rather'' and Bingo were fun because we were included in it.
Charlotte - I enjoyed playing games and discussing with our class about how we were finding online learning and checking in on everyone. Everyone was in the same position so it was good to get together to see how each other were going.
Zarah - It was great communicating with our peers online, it was fun to play different games with our class and get to have a laugh with one another.
Both the students and teachers in the Year 5/6 Community have been highly engaged during these sessions and have found them very beneficial for the wellbeing of ALL involved!
Circles Time Groups
In Term 3, I will be running a Circles Time program every Wednesday. Sessions will run for 30 minutes, with small groups of students from Years Prep- 4 with similar social and emotional needs. The sessions will focus upon: Strengths, Dreams and Values, Positive Communication Skills, Emotional Awareness and Promoting the Positive for Resilience.
If your child is in Year Prep - 4, they should have received a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for completion last Friday.
Lauren Borg
Student Well-being Leader