Extra-Curricular & Well being 

Swimming Carnival

Premiers Sporting Challenge

Premiers Sporting Challenge winning class 7A enjoy their Ice Skating reward with Mrs Cooper. 

Safety and Well being Workshop

Thank you to Senior Constable Anne Ferfolya, Schools Liaison Officer,  who has delivered talks to all Years 7-10 on safe travel, safe use of mobile phones and social media, and all aspects of keeping safe in the school and wider community.

MyHealth Record

Canterbury Girls High School was invited last year to participate in talks held by the National Children's Commissioner Ms Megan Mitchell in order to facilitate consultations with Australian school children about their rights under the new My Health Record system. The information gathered during the consultations has been used to produce a series of educational resources that teach children about their digital health rights and enable them to make informed decisions about how to use the My Health Record system. These resources align with the National Curriculum, specifically the areas of health and physical education, technology, and civics and citizenship.


The Year 10 students who participated in the process in 2019 and again in early 2020, were invited to co-design the resources, so they spent time finding out what they already know about the system and what information they would like the resources we develop to cover. Also discussed was how young people can start conversations with their parents/carers about managing their health data.


This lesson plan which resulted is designed to inform students of their rights within the My Health Record system. The lesson plan seeks to provide students with relevant information about My Health Record and help them to make informed choices about using it. It covers topics such as online safety, issues to consider before using My Health Record, how to cancel your record and how to start conversations with your parents or health professionals about using it.


The National Children’s Commissioner developed three iterations of the lesson plan – for Stages 3, 4 and 5. The lesson plan was co-designed with school students from NSW, QLD and Tasmania, who played an integral role in highlighting key issues for children and steering the design of lesson activities. The lesson plan also aligns with the Australian Curriculum.


On March 12 Canterbury Girls HS will host the launch of the My Health Record teaching resources with Ms Megan Mitchell and staff from both the the Digital Health Agency and the Australian Human Rights Commission.


The Canterbury students, now in Year 11, will present about the co-design process addressing:


  • What did they think of the co-design process?
  • Do they think it is important for adults/organisations to seek out the views of children and young people?
  • What did they learn about My Health Record, the National Children’s Commissioner and children’s rights?
  • Do they have any advice for young people if they are approached about being involved in a project like this one?

Valentine's Day Bake Sale

Senior Prefects Valentines bake sale fundraiser and a birthday celebration among friends!

Indigenous Leaders

Indigenous Leadership Group sending their message.

S.E.A. News

There are a number of exciting projects that different Year groups are working on this year with our new SEA mentor, Mr. Fitzgerald.


Year 8 SEA students, Neave, Phoebe, Annabel, Sienna, Marlene and Ananya  are in the process of an audit on plastic recycling at the school, and looking into the feasibility of getting a plastic recycling bin for specific plastic bottles from Citizen Blue, which will add to the present orange plastic recycling bins.


Year 9 SEA group is looking at  further developing the compost system in the school to help assist the great work already being done in that area by Jesse and the TAS staff. The school garden’s produce is sold in order to raise money in order to support and sustain this project.


Year 10 SEA students are working towards providing help to the Australian communities impacted by the 2019/20 Australian bushfires. They are looking to hold an event at our school in order to raise funds for communities and wildlife affected by the fires. They will not only be attempting to raise money, but will also collect items such as non-perishable food items which will be donated to the Food Bank. Further information regarding the date for the fundraiser will be communicated at an upcoming assembly.


Ada Kelly from Year 11 attended the National Climate Emergency Summit in Melbourne. Speakers at the Summit included Climate specialist Michael Mann, Marine biologist Charlie Vernon and blue carbon specialist Peter Macreadie. Seventy councils across Australia met and declared a climate emergency, meaning that eight million Australians or 30% of the population are living under a climate emergency. For more information, access the National Climate Emergency Summit’s website. In other news, Year 11 SEA students have established a roster for collection of both paper recycling and compost, which will take place during DEAR on Friday’s.​


Percussion Ensemble

Resident Magpies

Year 7 students Sylvie O'Keefe and Allegra  Nassar spending time with our resident Magpies, who were both looking a little ruffed up after the storm. Each year these Magpies continue to feel safe in our caring surrounds.

ASK Homework Centre