Youth and Education News

DET Succeed

Sound School @ Phoenix Youth Hub in 2019

Thursday, 07 February 2019 | 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM

For people aged 12 – 25 

most exciting artists!

The Sound School program will cover skills such as DJ’ing, production, sound engineering, synths + beatmaking, Ableton Live, soldering + electronics, and more. Participants will also have the opportunity to collaborate and perform live!

New App Supports Women with Disability Who Experience Violence

Speaking Up as a Young Person With Disability

VET students satisfied with training, job prospects remain high

VET Christmas

Health Translations

is an online library which enables health practitioners and those working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to easily find free, translated health information

Melbourne City Mission (MCM)

Leaving Care Hotline

supports young people aged 16-21 years old who have left, or are about to leave out-of-home care in Victoria.

📱Call today to 1300 532 846 to have a chat about supports available to you. Find out more here

YDAS Job Opportunities

Are you a young person (aged 15-25) with lived experience of #disability? Join our team! We're hiring 5 Co-Designers to help us create: • a #leadership program for young people with disability • training to make the youth sector more #inclusive