Maths Master
Week Ending 21/10/'22
Class | Student | Reason |
| Zac | For doing a fantastic job modelling repeated addition using counters as well as writing the equation in your book. |
12B | Craig
Nataya | For doing an excellent job applying different addition strategies when completing our perimeter revision activity.
For working hard when learning about perimeter. You were able to make a four-sided spaghetti shape and calculate the perimeter correctly. |
| Isabelle & Hunter | For completing the class math quiz with determination, accuracy and focus 😊 keep being an awesome and responsible learner. |
| Jason | For always showing great enthusiasm in all maths sessions. Jason certainly is a Maths Master. |
45S | Liam | For being a certified Maths Master – you approach all maths tasks with vigour and a keenness to take the next step, and you are always interested and analytical when exploring new strategies! |
| Diesel | For accurately converting mixed numbers and proper fractions to improper fractions. You always work hard to practise and improve your maths skills. |
| Poppy
| Working diligently through a range of different maths tasks. During maths sessions you showed great persistence and asked for help appropriately. You have really increased your understanding of the maths processes!
Week Ending 28/10/'22
Class | Student | Reason |
| Jhye | For working so hard during maths this week. You did a fantastic job measuring items around the room with counters.
12B | Jacob | For grasping the concept of multiplication as being repeated addition quickly and practically. You enjoyed the challenge, worked hard and stayed focused to complete the task. |
| Samuel & Liam | You have shown great skill when regrouping, adding and calculating change when working with money this week. Keep up the awesome work 😊 |
| Jae | For always giving his best effort and being willing to ask for help when he needs it. Keep up the great work! |
| Jake
Jett | You have continued to extend your knowledge in maths. You enjoy a challenge and have many successes – a credit to you Jake! Keep up the great work!
You have applied yourself really well this week, particularly with your work in division. You are gradually mastering your times tables and even surprised yourself when you made the final of our tables races. Well done Jett! |
45S | Cooper | Working industriously to complete your project, showing excellent understanding as you went. You were also able to support classmates in their learning too. |
| Sienna | For achieving over twelve months growth on your PAT Maths Assessment – Great job!
| Charlotte
| For achieving excellent growth on your PAT Maths Test. You also effectively used a range of maths strategies as you successfully solved a variety of written maths problems. A fantastic effort! |