From the Acting Assistant Principal

Years 7-9

Ella Price


Headstart has begun at Auburn High School! We welcomed our students on Monday to their new 2023 year levels.  Students have had the opportunity this week to meet their new classmates, start their new classes and meet most of their new teachers.  This supports our community to begin building routine as part of their 2023 learning program before the end of the year.  Students also have the opportunity to begin working with peers in their new form groups, strengthening connections within and across our year level communities.


Our new Year Level Leaders for 2023 Jesse Weymouth, Leon Raymond, David Felbel, Luke Dellorso, Sam Tolomei and Craig McPherson did a magnificent job at facilitating assemblies on Monday, supporting students with their induction into their new year level.  Students left with an understanding of the purpose of our Headstart program, in addition to their new year level statement and Auburn Learning Quality (ALQ) for 2023.  These will drive the journey for our students over the next year.


Thank you to our teachers for the development of engaging Headstart lessons.  It has been wonderful to observe students learning in our classrooms this week.  We look forward to celebrating with them all at our upcoming DARE assemblies over the next two weeks.



Ready, Set, Go

We welcomed our 2023 Year 7 community on Tuesday night for our Ready, Set, Go evening. There were some nervous bodies in the room as we prepared for Orientation Day and the beginning of high school.  We encouraged our new students to start to think about the independence they may need as they move into a high school setting.


Thank you to Amelie, Lachy, Sam and Mia who volunteered to share their experiences of Year 7 and our Auburn High School community. Families received a very honest insight into the highlights and some of the initial challenges that occur in Year 7.


I would like to thank Jacob Bevacqua, Jesse Weymouth and Cassandra Mahony for their thorough explanation of our community programs, supporting our new students and families to prepare for this next exciting step. We look forward to seeing our 2023 Year 7 community on Orientation Day in a few weeks and encourage them to remember that everyone will be nervous (we are all in this together!).

Welcome to VCE & IB Evening

On Wednesday, we welcomed our Senior School parents to an introduction to our VCE and IB programs.  This was the first of two information sessions preparing our students and informing our families of VCE/IB processes, expectations and supports.  After some hesitation in initial understanding, our students and parents were provided with an opportunity to learn the VCE/IB acronyms, VCAA/IB policies and processes, and requirements to satisfactorily complete the VCE & IB.  Families heard from Amisha and Caoimhe (2023 Year 12 students) who shared some advice for 2023 senior school students, including insight into our acceleration process.


Preparing for 2023

As we move towards the start of 2023 we encourage all families to review their information on Compass and contact their child’s new Year Level Leaders if there need to be any updates.  Transparent and accurate information supports the development of targeted strategies for all of our students as we plan for our 2023 year level communities.