From the Acting Principal

Ross Pritchard

Welcome to 2023 Head Start program

Where does the time go?  Over the last few weeks, the school has been buzzing as students and staff complete the 2022 program. Many major events have also happened:  2022 VCE exams, Year 9, 10 and 11 exams, Year 7-9 assessment and reporting, and parent information evenings for 2023 Year 7 and VCE/IB.


The Class of 2022 have finished their exams and are enjoying a break from study.  We will welcome them back to school on the morning of December 12th when the official results come out.  Overall, the VCAA exams ran smoothly and I would like to give thanks to Robyn Yeung (Chief Supervisor), the team of supervisors, Ms Angelina Wong and the VCE teachers for making this possible.  We will be excited to see the results and ultimately the university/placement offers that arrive mid-January 2023.


With the graduation of one class, we turn to the next to take on the responsibility of leading our student body.  The Year 12 cohort are such an important part of our community, and the school is excited about the personalities and skills that make up the Class of 2023.  Our School Captains, Amelie Bourrat and Amisha Russell, will play a crucial role in shaping the contribution and year level spirit. Congratulations to them both for being selected from an exceptional group of young candidates.  For the next year, the Year 12 students have the chance to leave a legacy by leading their fellow students in participation, effort, and general engagement with the values of the school.


There is excitement around our inaugural International Baccalaureate Diploma Program cohort of students.  This committed group of fourteen students is embarking on the IB DP with enthusiasm and excitement.  Their two-year program involves English, French, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Business Management, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity Activity Service and an Extended Essay.  Our teaching staff are well trained, organised and excited to teach the students the knowledge and skills that will allow them to flourish in the program.


Last week the 2022 School Council held its final meeting of the year.  Many thanks to the President Sue Haralambopoulos, Treasurer Joanna Giacomazzi, Alex Goldhagen, Catherine Krestyn, Chintan Bharwada, Janine Aldous Arantes (parent representatives), Kristie Satilmis and Genevieve Papon (staff representatives).  The School Council has been overseeing many large building projects this year, liaising with staff around educational initiatives, and ensuring sound governance.  A vibrant and active School Council is an essential element to a successful school, and I look forward to working with them in 2023.


The demolition of the sports pavilion began this week to make way for our new Year 12 building near the corner of Auburn Road and Burgess Street.  This is an exciting phase of the development of the school and over the next year or so we will be able to see this state-of-the-art building come to life.  Parents are to be aware of some traffic implications of the work that will impact travel around the school site between 7am and 3pm.  In addition to this, can I alert parents to be particularly aware of pedestrians and cyclists as they drive along Tooronga Road, Auburn Road, and Burgess Street.  We have an increasing number of students and parents using active transport methods and their safety is paramount.


Finally, I would like to acknowledge Ms Maria Karvouni who is taking Long Service Leave until mid-2023.  As Principal, Maria has been responsible for creating Auburn High School as we know it today.  She has worked tirelessly to create a values-based state school option for the local community.  Auburn High is ranked in the top 12 state high schools in Victoria and boasts very high student engagement, academic rigour, well-being support and staff work satisfaction.  As Acting Principal, I am committed to continuing with the fundamentals that exist at Auburn High to make it an outstanding school.  Maria is taking time to travel, recharge and spend time with her family.  We all wish her well.