Learning News
Week 4
Learning News
As well as completing our PAT (Progressive Achievement Test) testing this week, across our Diocese all students from K-6 are undertaking our last COLD write assessment for the year. This diagnostic tool is used to assess how well the students can apply what they have learned all year independently in their writing from a given stimulus. Teachers then compare this writing sample to one taken earlier in the year, to see our students' growth and guide the direction of their future teaching in writing.
Reading assessments are also ongoing for the next few weeks, and it is our expectation that every child in our school will have their reading listened to, and assessed, by a teacher. Teachers are looking for each student’s ability to understand and retell the text, read orally with expression and fluency and then answer a range of comprehension questions on the same text. It’s certainly a busy time for all, but an exciting one, with students being able to showcase all that they have learned.
Keep up the good work everyone!
This week Kindergarten have been enjoying viewing the text, Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen. We practised sequencing the story using images of the characters and used masks to retell the story. It also provided us with a great opportunity to conduct our very own science experiment on floating and sinking! Students made their own little boat using foil. Students used different classroom items to place in their boat and guessed whether the item would make their boat float or sink in tubs of water. As part of our boat theme, we also enjoyed singing songs like 'Row Your Boat' and 'A Sailor Went to Sea'. What a fun lesson! Well done Kindergarten!
Stage 1
Stage 1 has been learning how to conduct an experiment to investigate the use of Earth’s resources in our everyday lives. In groups, students made vanilla ice-cream in a ziplock bag and discussed which natural resources they think each ingredient came from. Students enjoyed participating in the experiment process, almost as much as they enjoyed eating the ice-cream they had made!
Stage 2
This week Stage 2 have been learning about Zentangle Art in Creative Arts this week. Zentangle Art is when you abstractly draw a picture by using a variety of different patterns. The students created a beach landscape and were allowed to let their creativity inspire their artworks. Well Done Stage 2, Miss McDonald and Mr Beaumont.
Stage 3
Stage 3 had a visit from the wonderful Cameron McFarlene, from the CPR awareness program to assist the students with developing their skills and knowledge in performing effective CPR. The program ensures all students have a sound understanding and knowledge on how to perform an emergency response plan in a time of need. The students had a great time learning and developing this life saving skill. Well done Stage 3.
Kinder Transition
This term we have commenced our Kinder transition sessions for our 2023 students. So far, we have had two excellent Friday morning transition sessions. During these sessions, the children have been enjoying learning to be in a classroom and the school routine. Last week, Miss Fraser read the picture book Feathers for Phoebe by Rod Clement. The children made their very own colourful birds using pastels and feathers. We put on our dancing shoes and learned some songs with actions. We look forward to our next session in Week 5!