Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Ali, for always enjoying and participating in cooking lessons!
  • Maaz, for enjoying and trying all the activities at Kinder Gym!

Room 2

  • River, for transitioning well in the mornings. 

Room 3

  • Enver, for joining in Morning Circle.
  • Lara, for labelling emotions with the support of visuals.


Room 4

  • Maryam, for working hard on her transitions to the garden and OT room.
  • Putin, for sharing the playground equipment with others. 
  • Zayd, for his hard work in mathematics.

Room 5

  • Nathan, for great sitting during Morning Circle, 
  • Sebastian, for always using his communication device.

Room 6

  • Aras, Excellent participation in classroom activities.
  • Ivy, Increasing communication with staff and increasing independence when completing classroom activities.

Room 7

  • Tej, for being brave and returning to school happy and excited to learn.
  • Asiya, for independently taking turns and sharing her motivators.

Room 8

  • All of Room 8 this week for being sun smart this week!

Room 9

  • All of Room 9 for behaving well in all incursions this week!