Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works Report

The Yaluk Building works are well on the way. At the site meeting, it was confirmed only four days were lost due to rain so all is going well. The topsoil has been removed as it is not stable/strong enough to support a building. The construction team have delivered numerous truckloads of "Mud Rock" which will provide the base foundation for the project.


In the next two weeks, we expect the in-ground plumbing works to begin. Please email Denise.Clarke@education.vic.gov.au if there is specific information you would like to know about the building. If I don't know the answer I will find out for you.


Day 34 Photos Yaluk Building

Top soil removed and foundation rock being delivered
Top soil removed and foundation rock being delivered
Mud Rock foundation being spread over site
Mud Rock foundation being spread over site
Mud Rock foundation
Mud Rock foundation


Sensory Room

The temporary fencing has been erected around the demolition area and the working area.

Contractors are currently sourcing materials - which still have time lags - so that everything is available. We hope to start seeing action in the next week.


Facilities Managers Report

All the works from the previous newsletter have been approved and scheduled for December 2022. Watch out for the playground and building updates in early 2023.


Maintenance staff are currently working around the grounds catching up on the landscape maintenance whilst the rain has stopped.