Student Leadership


Every year at 11 am on 11 November—the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month—we pause to remember those men and women who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations.


Our red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community. 


At JSA,  Saviour will lead us to observe a minute of silence at 11 am and lower the flags. During this time, we will remember all the sacrifices that people have made for us during wars.


In class, we will also honour Remembrance Day by making a paper poppy display and doing special activities to learn about war and peace. 


Our student leaders Memphis, Aaron and Michael lowered the flags today. Student leader Kelly led us in a speech about the importance of Remembrance day. 


Below are some photos of this year's Remembrance Day led by our leaders. 

Student Leadership Meeting Term 4, Week 5

Our traditional Student leadership meeting for Week 5 was again another success. The sub-school leaders Dan and Rachael were in charge of the meeting, followed by the student leadership meeting partners, Joshua and Saviour. It was a very informative meeting as we discussed the following topics 

  • Remembrance Day and its duties for JSA
  • An update of the well-designed badges from Christopher
  • The weekly flag roster 
  • the weekly playground PBS ticket roster 
  • The cultural calendar 

We're all set for our next meeting and we're really looking forward to it!


Memphis Sette, 3/11/22