Careers Corner

Ayla Year 10

Redline Engineering Tour

Thank you to Redline Engineering for hosting a tour of their advanced manufacturing facility. This enabled students to gain a greater understanding of the career paths on offer in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The students met with employers to hear about the types of skills and qualifications they look for when recruiting for their team, and how the business operates. Redline provided students with a behind the scenes view of a workplace in action and offered a chance for students to speak to employees and make valuable industry connections. Students found out about various pathways  including university degrees, studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), or entering the workforce by becoming an apprentice CNC Machinist. Redline are excited to host more PSC students soon!


Quantum Cyber Security Workshops

A number of students from year 7 – 10 engaged in a 1hr Virtual Workshop showcasing Cyber Experts from different fields including ANZ, Cisco and The Cyber Security Trust Office, highlighting the journey that each took and a typical day in their roles. The workshop also illustrated the importance, relevance and opportunities a Cyber Security pathway provides. 


Endota Wellness College On October 13th a small group of year 10 students  attended an industry-based career immersion activity day at the Endota Wellness College, Docklands. Students took part in a campus tour and some immersive practical activities, including a skin analysis session. This was a great way for our students to gain an insight into the hair and beauty industry and we thank Endota Wellness College for hosting us.