Assistant Principal Report - Junior School 

Mrs June Sainsbery

On Monday 24th October the Proactive Policing Unit came to school to address our Junior students.  The increase in anti-social and illegal behaviour (theft, property damage, assault) by young people in our local community (train stations, beaches, Southland) is of great concern to them.  Students were informed about the process the Police will follow if they are caught committing an offence – there will be less warnings and young people can expect to be charged.  The Police are working closely with schools to identify students who appear on CCTV footage committing crimes in the local area.  They also informed students that should they be caught filming a crime on their phone, they could be complicit and subsequently charged.  The Police encouraged young people who may be the victim of a crime to report offences to the Police as soon as possible.  They acknowledged that some young people fear reprisals if they do report to Police and highlighted the anonymous methods that people can use to report – CrimeStoppers for example.  The Police want offenders to be held to account, but need our young people to report in order for this to occur.  The Police also talked to the students about how they can be safe in the community.  They encouraged students to be alert and look out for their friends.  Students are also encouraged to talk to their Year Level Coordinators if they have any concerns.


There are only four weeks left until rollover begins.  Students will move to their 2023 academic year level on Monday 28th November. This means that there will be several assessments that students will undertake over the coming weeks.  I encourage students to make good use of their organiser to assist with planning.  It is also important to listen carefully to teachers as they prepare for final assessments and seek clarification and advice as required.


The Junior School Leadership process is now underway and I am looking forward to meeting those students who aspire to be one of our Junior School Leaders.  Junior School Leadership positions are available for 2023 Year 9 students.  Although not all students who apply will be successful, it is incredibly valuable to go through the process, as it requires students to write an application, have an interview and deliver a speech to their peers.  This process can build confidence and resilience.