Assistant Principal Report SeniorSchool 

By Michael Tuck

VCE written exams began Wednesday 26th October.  While it is a high stress and pressure period of time, it has been good to hear positive feedback from students as they leave exams.  Every year there is media coverage around specific exam content and it is important to remember that once one exam finishes, you can only focus on the ones remaining.  Results will distributed Monday 12th December and I’m sure our year 12 VCE students are looking forward to this day.


Year 10 and 11 exams will run 14th  – 23rd Nov and the schedule for these has been posted on Compass.  This experience is a good ‘dress rehearsal’ for unit 3/4 exams and students should be planning their study strategy in the lead up.  Details for the upcoming year 10 Formal (9th December) have also been distributed. Please ensure that all deadlines are adhered to so organisational commitments can be met.


On Tuesday 18th October, members of the local Proactive Policing Unit spoke to our year 10 and 11 students during year level assembly time, about an increase in anti-social behaviour in our community.  The police have been visiting all local secondary schools to speak to students about the consequences of engaging in illegal behaviours, particularly theft, property damage and assault and specific locations of concern being; train stations, beaches, parks and Southland.  Students were also informed of actions that can be taken if they are victims of crime and the protections that can be offered to victims, including anonymous methods of reporting and other legal protections. The presentation also covered the related crime of using devices to record or share criminal activity, which is becoming an increasing issue amongst young people.  As always, parents or students are invited to speak to relevant student managers or the wellbeing team, if they require any support in relation to these matters.