
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you are all staying safe and well. The Wellbeing Team and I wanted to bring to your attention an exciting opportunity to attend an upcoming parent and carer event.

On Thursday November 10th, Parkdale Secondary College will be hosting local GP, Dr. Carolyn Beaumont, to present to the community her research and studies on teenage vaping and nicotine addiction. Discussing the dangers vaping and tobacco addiction can have on the developing brain at length, as well as tangible strategies to support young people who do vape, Carolyn delivers a well rounded presentation that is both suitable to adults and teens.

Topics that will be covered on the night include:

  • The impact vaping and nicotine addiction has on the developing brain
  • Stories of nicotine addiction and withdrawal in teenagers
  • Understanding vaping and what you can do - What’s in a vape, black market products, electrical safety and harm minimisation/withdrawal


This presentation will start at 6:30pm, run for 45 minutes and there will be an opportunity to have your own questions answered at the end.

Further Information and How to register

To register your interest, please do so via the Compass Newsfeed and the Eventbrite link provided there. For more information about Carolyn, you can visit medicalnicotine.com.au


Jake and the Wellbeing Team