By Kerri Fulton

Year 12 Senior VCAL PDS Fundraising and Awareness Projects


The Year 12 VCAL students, to meet their PDS outcomes, were required to research social, cultural and environmental issues. The final element to their task was to create a fundraising, collection drive or awareness program to support an organisation associated with their researched issue. The students ran an Awareness Expo on Tuesday 13th September at lunchtime in the Senior Centre. The students had already run a BBQ at the Athletics Day and raised over $1000, to support a number of organisations, but wanted to also do other activities directly related to the issues they had investigated. 


A huge thank you to all the staff who supported the students in running the BBQ on the day; Ms Seach, Lisa R, Mr Bandara, Lisa B, Tara and Tom. Another thank you also to Gary Iverson from the Bentleigh and East Bentleigh Bakers Delight stores, for his very generous donation of all the bread for the day.

A huge thank you to everyone for their support in relation to the Senior VCAL PDS Projects. It was wonderful to see so many people take the time to look at and talk with the students at the VCAL Awareness Expo on Tuesday. The students were nervous about this requirement of their assessment but were all smiles during and after. They were so proud to showcase what they had done.


We had a wonderful response to our two donation collections; two large boxes packed full of health products that have been donated to the Wellbeing Area to support any students in need. A massive pile of items have now been donated to the RSPCA, including towels, blankets, pet food and so much more. Thank you!



The students have also managed to raise a fantastic amount of money for a number of different organisations –

  1. $15.50 was raised for the RSPCA, through the sale of homemade dog biscuits. 
  2. $15.50 was raised for MND Association.
  3. $74.00 was raised for Queerspace, from a Lolly Jar Competition.
  4. $1,279.85 was raised at the Athletics Day BBQ run by the students, to be split amongst a number of organisations, one of them being Beyond Blue.
  5. $175 was raised selling mocktails, for ‘Mirabel’; an organisation to support children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental substance abuse.



The following are some of the comments the students made in their evaluations;

‘We worked well as a team.’ ‘I enjoyed doing something that I could be passionate about.’ ‘It was rewarding seeing all the donations.’ ‘I enjoyed pretty much everything, it was really fun.’ 


Thank you from all of the Year 12 VCAL students and a huge thank you from me, 

Kerri Fulton – Year 12 VCAL PDS Teacher