Middle Sub-School News 










Hi everyone,


This week, in celebration of the many PBS tickets they earned throughout the year, the full middle student cohort enjoyed a fantastic time at BOUNCE in Essendon Fields. They modelled terrific listening, followed the rules and waited their turn to have fun on the many trampolines there.


Congratulations and well done to our middle students!!

Only 3 and a half weeks to go. :)

Room 17

This week room 17 has been learning about research skills. We have been looking at how to find information online and then use cut and paste to put the information onto a word document. Students have been looking at bugs following the Science Bug Incursion. Our students choose an insect or spider that they wanted to learn about. They then had to find five interesting facts about these and create a poster about them including pictures. Students enjoyed researching Thanksgiving and creating a window display to share their knowledge with other classrooms. 


Students enjoyed the Science Bug Incursion. They had the chance to touch a yabby, hold a butterfly and see many other insects. They learnt many interesting facts and even had the chance to dress up!  Another highlight for Room 17 was learning about Remembrance Day. Students learnt that on Remembrance day, at 11 am, they show respect by being silent for 1 minute. Students again researched what this day is and why we observe it. As a class, we did a few practices at the 1-minute silence and learnt that during this time we think about the soldiers and animals that lost their lives in the war. 


Students are now starting to get excited about the end of the year. We will be doing some research activities on Christmas and other ways people celebrate the end of the year around the world.