Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Marshall, for using sentences when requesting for items and learning to ask for 'help' when needed.
  • Omer, for being safe and enjoying Kinder Gym. 

Room 2

  • River, for showing very good listening skills this week. 
  • Amel, for showing very good listening skills this week and has transitioned well around the school. 

Room 3

  • Saven, For labelling emotions with the support of visuals.
  • Emjay, For requesting ‘more’ bubbles with the support of a visual.

Room 4

  • All of the students in Primary 4 for their resilience and persistence with learning this term. Well done!

Room 5

  • Keerthi, for excellent colouring and drawing, 
  • Kivanc, for sitting for all of his table activities.

Room 6

  • Fred, Aidan, Aarib, Jaiveer and Ivy for showing JSA expected behaviours at our BOUNCE and McDonalds excursions and doing an excellent job ordering food.
  • Ethan for showing JSA expected behaviours at our BOUNCE excursion
  • Connor for his improvement when transitioning from and to school and within the school environment
  • Aras for his increasing independence with familiar activities and showing JSA expected behaviours at our BOUNCE excursion.

Room 7

  • All of Room 7 for showing JSA expected behaviours at our BOUNCE excursion. 

Room 8

  • Siham for looking after herself and showing safe behaviours while out of the school on excursion.

Room 9

  • All of room 9!