Primary Sub-School News
The Primary staff and students all went to Bounce Trampoline in Essendon Fields last Friday. It was a special treat to celebrate a great year of students following our JSA Expected Behaviours. The students did a fantastic job listening to instructions, waiting, taking turns and bouncing! We had 30 staff attend the Bounce excursion and some parent helpers- many thanks to everyone who supported our students on the day. When I asked a student whether he liked the excursion, he said, "It was the best!" For some other students, the enjoyment was seen in the big smiles on their faces.
It is SSG time at the moment, so please remember to make the time via Xuno to meet with your child's teacher. SSGs are a great time for your child to show you what they can do at school, such as where they sit, choosing a toy, reading a book or using a 'finish box.' Your child's report is on Xuno. It is a good idea to read the report before the meeting and use the meeting time to ask any questions you may have about the report.
Room 8
The students from Room 8 have enjoyed an incursion and an excursion this term. The mini-beast incursion was the highlight of our Term 4 Science topic. The butterfly tent was a big hit. We enjoyed touching all of the mini-beasts and looking at them through microscopes and magnifying glasses. We even dressed up like mini-beasts! Last week, the whole Primary sub-school went to Bounce. It was a lot of fun!