Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works Report

Yaluk Building - Community Hub & Secondary Classrooms.

Ground works are progressing well despite the rain. The building site markers have been established. The building is up to Day 48 of the program.

Installing pipes and condutes
Installing pipes and condutes
Action near proposed entrance to building
Action near proposed entrance to building
Most action is at proposed entrance to building
Most action is at proposed entrance to building

Inclusive School Fund - Sensory Room

The temporary fencing has been in place while some unexpected electrical complications have arisen. These have been resolved so demolition of Bloomfield Hall (lined shelter shed) can begin on Monday. 


There will be a few disruptions to flow of traffic around the school during next week, but hopefully these will not occur again. New steps to the Climbing Gym were installed so students can access during building works. 


Gym Steps - Bloomfield Hall in the background
Gym Steps - Bloomfield Hall in the background


Facilities Managers Report

Daisy and bug blackboards have been installed in Playground 1 and Playground 2 for students to enjoy. 

PG1 sandpit
PG1 sandpit


HoL students assisted Kitchen Garden Coordinator Tricia French and Rob Ball to plant indigenous plants in the front carpark and outside the CLH.

Front Carpark
CLH Outdoor area
CLH Outdoor area
Front Carpark
CLH Outdoor area
CLH Outdoor area

I am currently planning for work around the school to occur during the long break. I will update the school community as the works are confirmed.