Principal News Flash
Principal News Flash
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is an inclusive, data-driven, evidence-based framework designed to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support, instructional practice and adjustment to be successful. Having an MTSS approach reflects JSA’s commitment to supporting every child to engage in highly customised teaching and learning programs that recognise and support their learning and wellbeing needs.
MTSS centres on a strong foundation of universal, research-based approaches which increase in intensity and individualisation until the barriers to learning and wellbeing are addressed. The result is a continuum of resources, strategies and structures that directly address the academic, communication, social, wellbeing, and behavioural variances across all cohorts.
MTSS involves partnering with staff, families, service providers and the wider community to design tiers of support to address the full range of needs for our diverse learners. This Framework ensures consistency and transparency in our flexible and equitable, inclusive System.
It is important to clarify, that students are to be referred to as ‘receiving levels of support’ such as ‘ receiving Tier 2 level of support’, not as a ‘Tier 2 student’.
Whilst each tier has its own set of processes, the theory is consistent at each level:
2023 MTSS Tiered Level of Supports
Please see below, allocated teams and leadership members aligned to support student's learning and wellbeing from Tier 1-3.
Tier 1 (Proactive) | ||
Teams | Attendees | |
Learning | x4 Professional Learning Community (PLC) - Plan, implement and monitor termly PLC inquiry cycles.
x3 Sub-School Leaders - Provide weekly feedback on Teaching and Learning Work Programs to their relevant sub-school. - Actively participate in classroom team meetings to review Tier I practices. - Share knowledge and expertise across their relevant sub-school.
Speech Therapy and O.T - Design and provide techniques and training to implement specific classroom-based therapy practices; as identified through classroom team meetings.
x1 Allied Health Assistant - Support the implementation of therapeutic programs for classrooms or groups of students, under the direction of the leading therapists.
| PLC Instructional Leaders
Sub-School Leaders
Speech and O.T Therapists/Leaders
Allied Health Assistant |
Wellbeing | x1 Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader - Identifies mental health concerns in the classroom - Improves referral pathways for students requiring further assessment.
Student Engagement Team - Lead and support staff to implement Tier 1 practices (SW-PBS) consistently across all learning environments.
| Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
PCT Sub-School Leaders Learning Specialists Classroom Teachers ES
Tier 2 (Targeted) | ||
Teams | Attendees | |
Learning | x4 Learning Specialist (0.5) - Observes, model and provide feedback on a targeted evidence-based practice; identified in Student Support Team meetings. - Coaches and mentors teachers and ES staff, to build their capacity in an area of classroom practice - Shares knowledge and expertise across PLC teams to build teacher capacity and promote teacher collaboration. | Learning Specialists
Wellbeing | x1 Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader - Implements effective mental health strategies in-classroom for primary-aged students.
x1 Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer - Works under the direction of the Mental Health Practitioner to implement student wellbeing supports for targeted students. - Prepares reports and correspondence on targeted areas of needs in a student's wellbeing and engagement context.
x1 Wellbeing Assistant - Provides social and emotional mentoring support with identified students. - In collaboration with the Student Support Team will implement and facilitate programs and small group mentoring. - Provides support for any identified wellbeing trends across the school through group work or mentoring. - Facilitates and manages the whole school Breakfast Club program.
Student Support Team - Collaboration and coordination of support for students requiring targeted Tier 2 support. | Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
Mental Health & Wellbeing Officers
Wellbeing Assistant
APs Learning Specialists Sub - School Leaders Mental Health Practitioner Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader Therapy Leaders |
Tier 3 (Intensive) | ||
| Attendees | |
Learning | x4 Learning Specialist (0.5) - Provides high level expertise in Teaching and Learning practices/Autism & SW-PBS evidence-based practices. - Collaborates with teachers to design BSP/BRP and/or Student Engagement Plans. - Coaches and mentors teachers and ES staff, to build their capacity to support individualised student learning and wellbeing needs. - Lead the Student Engagement Team, to develop and use data systems to identify and review students displaying distress (e.g. mental health) and/or disengagement (e.g. chronic absence) and support the use of evidence-based practices to improve student engagement.
| Learning Specialist
Wellbeing | x1 Mental Health Practitioner - Provides direction to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer to implement wellbeing programs and assist classroom teams to implement recommendations. - Developing Mental Health Support Plans/Mental Health Safety Plans. - Complete mental health assessments for secondary aged students. - Provides direct 1:1 counselling using focused psychological strategies (FPS) to support students with mental health concerns. - Coordinate support for critical high needs students, both internal and external to the school. - Contributes to school wellbeing policies, programs and professional learning. - Provides professional learning to staff, to build the capacity of schools to improve students' learning and developmental outcomes.
x1 Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer - Works under the direction of the Mental Health Practitioner, to implement student wellbeing supports for individual students. - Prepares reports and correspondence on targeted areas of needs in a student wellbeing and engagement context.
Student Welfare Team - Collaboration and coordination of support for students requiring individualised Tier 3 supports. |
Mental Health Practitioner
Mental Health & Wellbeing Officer
AP - ETL Learning Specialists Mental Health Practitioner Mental Health & Wellbeing Officer (as requested) Student Support Services (SSS) |