We have a proud history of getting up, standing up, and showing up.

From the frontier wars and our earliest resistance fighters to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities fighting for change today—we continue to show up.

Now is our time. We cannot afford to lose momentum for change.

We all must continue to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! for systemic change and keep rallying around our mob, our Elders, our communities.

Whether it’s seeking proper environmental, cultural and heritage protections, Constitutional change, a comprehensive process of truth-telling, working towards treaties, or calling out racism—we must do it together.

It must be a genuine commitment by all of us to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! and support and secure institutional, structural, collaborative, and cooperative reforms.

It’s also time to celebrate the many who have driven and led change in our communities over generations—they have been the heroes and champions of change, of equal rights and even basic human rights.

Getting Up, Standing Up, and Showing Up can take many forms.

We need to move beyond just acknowledgement, good intentions, empty words and promises, and hollow commitments. Enough is enough.

The relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non‑Indigenous Australians needs to be based on justice, equity, and the proper recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights.

Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! with us to amplify our voices and narrow the gap between aspiration and reality, good intent and outcome.

Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!



Naidoc Week Awards

Year 12 

Michael Looker - For citizenship award for his service to the school as School Captain during 2021-2022


Year 11

Nioka Levy - For being an outstanding role model

Harris Dullaway - For all-round effort and achievement


Year 10

Jada Alefosio - For a friendly nature and her application in all Curriculum Areas

Oscar Atkin - For sportsmanship and Leadership within the school and during extra curricular activities


Year 9

Georgina Griffiths - For citizenship and participation

Riley McLeod - For citizenship and participation


Year 8

Collin Connors - Sportsmanship

Emma Looker - For leadership within the school


Year 7

Stevie McElroy - For academic application across all key learning areas

Christian Loeb - for academic application across all key learning areas


Stage 3 Indigo

Kyara Alefosio - For demonstrating persistence in all key learning areas

Nate Morrow - For always showing a keen interest in his learning


Stage 3 Silver 

Aleck Campbell - Being a focused learner

Thomas Bull - Demonstrating persistence in all key learning areas


Stage 2 Gold 

Hayley Jones - Displaying the School values Pride Respect and Responsibility

Brax Hutton - Being a responsible and caring student who takes on leadership roles in Stage 2 


Stage 2 Olive

Jacob Jones - For reaching his goals in writing, reading and Macqlit

Aoife Collins - For always putting in 100% effort into all areas


Stage 1 Lime

Johnny Lockyer - Improvement in Maths 

Kayleigh Jones - Consistently trying hard in all areas at school


Stage 1 Mint 

Airlie Vidler - Being a responsible learner in all KLA's

Jackson Griffin - Always showing respect to his teachers and peers


Early Stage 1 Rainbow

Malakai Pixton -  Excellent citizenship

Anna Fletcher - Terrific effort and achievement in all key learning areas