P&F Social Event - Friday 12th August- BOGAN BINGO 



Slip on your uggies, put on your flannos and get ready for Bogan Bingo. Channel your inner bogan and dress to impress! Prizes for best dressed bogan blokes and sheilas. We’d love to see you all there. If you can’t find a babysitter and you feel as though 2x tickets are a little too much, why not organise a table for just the mums… or dads, you can make it a boys night instead! Please note, we will distribute a shared link to all those that have booked, closer to the date, to nominate who they would like to sit with. 




Term 3 BBQ -  Roster below 


Fri 29 July -Grade 3 - Class Rep Sarah



Fri 5 - Grade 1 Class Reps Natalie and Jenny

Fri 12 - Grade 5 Class Rep Steve 

Fri 19 - Grade 2 Class Rep Karen

Fri 26 - Foundation Class Rep Georgie 




When your class is rostered on please contact your class rep if you can help cook or serve. If there are not enough volunteers or it's wet, the BBQ won't be on. 


As with all school activities, parent helpers must be double vaxxed and have a WWC. 

The P&F look forward to seeing you all for a sausage after school this Friday.


Cost: $2.50 Sausage in bread or 3 for $6

$1 Juice box