Performing Arts Focus

What an exciting term we have ahead of us in the Performing Arts department. After our absolute block busting 5/6 Space Pirates concert last term this term is shaping up to be just as spectacular. 

In the Classroom

Foundation Students

This term we will be applying all the skills and knowledge we gained last term and using it to keep exploring songs, dance and drama from different cultures around the globe and at home! We began by learning the indigenous song ‘Inanay’ and adding clapping sticks and then did some action songs that involved lots of Australian animals! We will continue our adventure through different cultures throughout the term, moving to New Zealand, the Pacific and France in the coming weeks.


Year 1 & 2 Students

I’m sure you’ve heard from some very excited people in your house, that this term is concert term for our Year 1 and 2 students! For every single one of our performers, this will be their very first evening concert at Fairfield Primary School and we are absolutely fizzing with excitement. This year’s concert is called What Will It Be? and is the story of a group of children, a box and whole lot of imagination.


Due to the number of classes, we will be running two separate concerts on the same evening – one for Year 1 students, and the second for Year 2. This will make sure that there are ample tickets available for every family and that the concert isn’t too long!


The event information will be shared on Compass in the coming weeks, but please keep Thursday 1 September open, as that’s when we’ll be hitting the stage.


In class, our students have already selected their class item and have started working on the closing number. Any student who wants a speaking part will have the opportunity to act out part of the story (we will learn and rehearse this in Performing Arts lessons), and all students will be involved in creating a class song and dance together. 


Please keep checking Compass for more information.


Year 3 & 4 Students

It is all about song writing for our upper years this term. Students in Years 3 – 6 will write a song – and a selection of these will be entered in the Australian Children Music Foundation (ACMF) Song writing Competition. 


More information on this competition can be found here:


Starting this term, we discussed about the vulnerability of song writing and sharing your creation. Through this unit, we will explore musical styles and genres, writing lyrics and methods of notating our music. We also will explore the many mindfulness benefits in song writing and how this process takes us beyond the competition. As part of Fairfield Primary School’s restorative practices, we hope that this unit will help students build their emotion bank, identify their feelings, and find a new way of creative expression. If you are interested in learning how song writing can make an impact on one’s wellness and mental health, I highly recommend watching this episode from ABC’s Space 22 which explores song writing with Eddie Perfect. It is rated PG and explores some themes which might be confronting, so adult discretion is advised. 


Year 5 & 6 Students

I know that lots has been said last term about our Year 5 and 6 production of Space Pirates. I just have to say one more time that their performance was truly mind blowing and the memories we have made through the process has forged amazing relationships amongst both cohorts (see pictures below). As these students were our trailblazers in performing after a pandemic, we looked to them to give advice to the Year 1 and 2 cohort on what to expect when preparing for a concert. You can view some of these sage reflections in the video below. 


We also include a trailer of our Space Pirates concert to give you a taste of that magical night. As we move forward from our performance last term, we will also embark on a song writing unit and aim for greater heights at this year's ACMF song writing competition. 


We eagerly wait for our song books from the Dhungala Children’s Choir to begin our journey in exploring songs shared by First Nation’s communities' around the Australia. We hope to present these songs at Art4All this year. This year we have had the opportunity to sing continuously in-person and have many members who have been singing with us for two years. The result is a choir in tune with each other and with the blossoming ability to sing up to four parts. We are excited for this term and what we can produce. 


Concert Band

Our students had a very interrupted term two, but that did not stop our concert band from persevering! They worked on all the pieces at home and have returned together sounding phenomenal. We will be filming our concert band during rehearsals next week and we are truly excited to show you the growth our exceptionally talented musicians have made.



Our fabulous Brass program will be continuing this term, with the addition of four new students. We are currently planning a combined workshop/performance with Thornbury High School and will keep you posted on the details once they are confirmed.


~ Keri Spence & Olivia Li, Performing Arts Teachers

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