Principal's Report

Student Voice Team
In Newsletter 7, I provided details of our School Review. Preparation for the Review has started with meetings taking place with staff, students, and School Council to discuss the school’s highlights over the last four years.
Last week I met with the Student Voice Team, (which consists of representatives from every year group), and posed the question, ‘What have been the highlights for you over the last three years?’ This was naturally a more difficult question for our younger students to consider, given their disrupted and short time at the school. However, we were able to cover a range of highlights with students identifying the following:
- Teachers at FPS
- Extra-curricular events
- Learning activities
- Buildings and playground
- Specialist classes
- Friendships
When we put it to the vote, the majority chose ‘extra-curricular events’ as being their highlight. This included events such as Harmony Day, concerts, camps, sports events, Special Persons’ Breakfasts, and excursions. We then delved deeper to find out why they were highlights and discussed the difference that it makes to them. It was a great conversation, and their responses will be included in the Pre-Review Self Evaluation, available to view later in the year.
We had a special guest at our Student Voice Team meeting, with Graham, our maintenance person, responding to a written letter. Members of the Student Voice Team feel that the sandpit needs to be improved. Graham shared some possible ideas, including the sandpit being covered outside of the school day and replenishing the sand that always seems to escape. We look forward to seeing these improvements made soon.
COVID Updates
You will have received a communication from the school with updated information from the Department of Education regarding the COVID quarantine period and the wearing of face masks. We ask that you are aware of these updates, which are also included in this newsletter.
Curriculum Day
The term started for staff a day earlier than the students, as we participated in a Restorative Practice professional development day.
Restorative Practice is a social science that studies how to improve and repair relationships between people and communities. It encourages behaviours that are supportive and respectful and puts the onus on individuals to be truly accountable for their behaviour and to repair any harm caused to others as a result of their actions.
A restorative approach focuses on building, maintaining and restoring positive relationships, particularly when incidents that involve interpersonal conflict or wrongdoing occur.
This was a highly valuable day in which we all learnt lots of theory, and were equipped with strategies to support students with their social and emotional wellbeing.
The day was run by Kristy Elliot from Restorative Pathways. You can read more about the work that we covered in the Assistant Principal section of this newsletter. Staff came away from the day feeling informed and excited to work through the strategies that were shared to help strengthen a safe and supportive environment at school.
Staffing & Athletics Day
When Sarah Abbott or I arrive at school, our first task is to organise staffing for the day. This involves going through the staff absences and ensuring that classes are covered. The start of this term has seen a higher than usual staff absence, partly due to COVID. We have been able to cover the majority of these absences with relief staff or utilising other staff around the school, however, there have been a small number of occasions when we have been required to split classes as no coverage was available.
With that in mind, the school has made the decision that the events for this year’s House Athletics Carnival will take place at school. The Carnival was scheduled to take place next week, however for the safety and smoothness of the event, taking all Year 4 – 6 students offsite when there is so much uncertainty, was too much of a risk.
Details of how these events (long jump, high jump, running, shot put, etc) will be run at school will be communicated in the next week to Year 4 – 6 families. We will also treat the athletics events as trials, with students qualifying for District Athletics, which is scheduled for on Tuesday 23 August.
Office Staffing Change
At the end of last term we said a fond farewell to Alice Lambert, our Wednesday – Friday WSC administrator. We will miss Alice's smiling face, efficiency, and ability to take on a challenge. Alice has moved away from Melbourne, so we wish her all the best with her new adventures.
This term we welcome Leisa Chambeyron to the administration team. When you pop by the office, please say hello and welcome to Leisa.
Lunchtime Clubs
Details of lunchtime clubs are available below. Yesterday we held our first Chess Lunchtime Club in three years (pictured below). It was fantastic to see students from all year levels participating and enjoying themselves.
- Library Club (library)
- Catch up French (French room)
- Eco Club, Years 4 – 6 (3D classroom)
- Library Club (library)
- Board games (1C classroom)
- Student Voice Team (meeting room)
- Dance Club (2B classroom)
- Catch up Art (Art studio)
~ Paul Wallace, Principal