Book Week

Book week celebrations 8th August-12th August 2022
Movie night
Fili Fili-Year 8
I like the way we got to watch a movie and have popcorn like the real movies.
Shayla-Year 7
The movie was good and I got to watch it with my friends.
Writing session:
Rehmat Year 10
The session was helpful for the future and for the coming exams. This semester we are doing creative writing and how we can make our writing interesting. We had the opportunity to see how far our imagination could go. It was a little brain break from the normal classroom.
Mark Alexander -Staff
It was great! It will support them in Year 11 for their writing processes. It was also particularly good that Mike shared his own experiences as an author and used a timeline and a map to get them started with their writing.
Joe Sirani -Staff
Excellent work!
Peter Samuel -Staff
It was great to get the voice of students come through their poems. Thank you for the opportunity.
Salina Year 8
It was good to write my own poem.
Jayme Year 11
The fact that we got to spend some time to learn the processes of writing a poem which we normally don’t do in class.
Dehara Year 9
Mr Samuel took his time to teach young people to compose our own poems. I personally had great fun trying to come up with my own poem.
Angel Year 9
It was a beautiful experience. I got to use my grandma’s name in my poem which is fun.
Author Visits
Kiara Year 9
The session was interesting because the techniques that Bernard used was different and unique. Like the horizon and placing lines in different places made the image look different. This was very creative.
William B
This is interesting and fun. We get to draw in new art styles and make it look real.
Lisa Finamore Staff
Huda was inspiring, great with the students and had a message. The students were engaged and responded well to the session.
Divine M
Huda was good. I liked the way she made us think about our values and the quotes she used to help us think about our priorities. The writing exercises she made us do was great as well, like the listing of our distractions.
Dress up as character parade
The Great debate
It was good to hear the students take on the teachers. But the time went very fast.
Design a Book Cover competition winners