Community News

40th Year Reunion - Class of 1982
We are excited to share this event with past students and teachers of St.John’s Regional College. 40 years, already!
All students from year 7 in 1977, to year 12 in 1982 inclusive, (for any length of time), and all teachers, (who no doubt will remember us all fondly) are invited!!! 😄
The organising committee of this event, would appreciate this post being shared far and wide, to help us reach as many students and teachers as possible 🙏🏼
About the event:
A call to all Old Collegians of St John's Regional College Dandenong that attended from Year 7 1977 to Year 12 1982.
It's been a long time coming but following on from the very successful 20 year reunion in 2002, the SJRC Reunion Organising Committee would like to round up as many of the past students as we can to this 40 year reunion to be held at The Stamford, cnr Stud & Wellington Rds Rowville.
Be part of the gathering and reconnect with old school mates, reminisce, share memories and have some laughs on the high school days we enjoyed together at St John's.
The private function will be held in the The Macarthur Room at the hotel, and includes a 2 course buffet dinner. A fully stocked bar is available for drinks purchase.
Admission cost is $55.00 payable by credit card. Hurry, numbers are capped. Partners welcome, no BYO food or drinks, no minors. Let us know if you have specific dietary requirements.
If anyone is in contact with past teachers, this invitation is open to them, would be great to see them again.
Any queries please email "". Please ensure you leave a name so we know who you are.
Hope to see as many old collegians and teachers there on what will be a fun night!